Should we really be surprised?
Recently, a message has been circulated where an unknown person (majhūl) apparently called Muhammad ibn Hādi from Britain the day after ‘Eid Al-Adhā 2018 (1439H) asking him how one is “to conduct themselves with those who agree with the Sa’āfiqah”. During this conversation, Muhammad Hādi is reported to have “warned against Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and Abdulilāh Lahmāmi” and he warned from “sitting with them and listening to them.”
If this is true, then, in reality, this is not surprising and we are not shocked in the least. A man who can say about ‘Allāmah ‘Ubaid Al-Jābiri (who is old enough to be his father), “He is worthless and insignificant. He does not amount to a halalah or a fils (the smallest amount of currency)” —and that the Salafis should no longer organise durūs and telephone lectures with Shaikh ‘Ubaid and to remove his lectures and classes from their websites — then why should we feel safe from his tongue?
Should we be surprised with a man who, when confronted with the comments of ‘Allāmah Rabee’ al-Madkhali wherein he said: Muhammad Ibn Hādi has made tabdee’ of the students of knowledge and shaikhs by saying they should be put alongside Ahlul-Ahwā, even if they manifest the Sunnah — so he (Muhammad ibn Hadi) responded to these words of Shaikh Rabee’ with, “No one understands from my speech that I made tabdee’ except an ignoramus or a person of desires.” Is this how an imām of the Sunnah and Salafiyyah is spoken about?
Are we to be in consternation with his warnings against us when he has no regard for the scholars? Look here at what Muhammad Hādi said: “Shaikh ‘Ubaid has principles and Shaikh Abdullah Al-Bukhari has principles which oppose the principles of the Salaf and Shaikh Rabee’ aids the two of them in that. But I will deal with them with the very same principles that they themselves have made up.”
If the ‘ulamā of Sunnah and Salafiyyah are not safe from his speech, why should we expect to be safe?
A man who can say about another Muslim in an open lecture, “The fornicator, wicked and immoral Abu Ayoub Al-Maghribi from Holland, a fornicator..” And still, nearly a year later, has not produced four witnesses to his accusation? And then to attack him further by saying, “an ill-mannered drunk” and, “a frequenter of wine-bars (sāhib al-hānāt) and pubs (al-khammārāt)” – are we to be shocked with a man who, after this, warns against us?
A man who openly exposes and uncovers the [alleged] sins of others, should we feel safe from his tongue? The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wa-sallam) stated, “Do not harm the Muslims, nor revile them, nor pursue them to expose their sins. For indeed whoever tries to expose his Muslim brother’s sins, Allah will expose his sins even if he were in the depth of his house.” Are we to feel safe from a man who the honour of others means nothing such that he dishonours them publicly? Ibn ‘Umar looked at the Ka’bah and said, “What is it that is more honoured than you! And whose honour is more sacred than yours! Indeed, the believer’s honour is more sacred to Allah than you.”
Every Salafi knows that the Pious Predecessors of this Ummah never spoke with this type of foul speech. We ask Allah for well-being and safety.
So a message to those deceived and whose hearts have become hardened against Ahlus-Sunnah due to their blind-following of Muhammad Ibn Hādi: Where is the proof for this boycotting and warning against Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and Abdulilāh Lahmāmi and his warning from “sitting with them and listening to them.”?
Have we opposed the ‘aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah? Have we opposed the Manhaj of the Salaf? Have we defended or promoted Ahlul-Bid’ah? Did we contradict the ‘aqeedah and methodology of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Shaikhul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah, Imām Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhāb and Imām Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Bāz? If so, show us, otherwise, this disparagement (or jarh) is rejected outright. And those who spread it, speak with it and agree with it have committed clear oppression (dhulm), and “oppression is layers of darkness on the Day of Resurrection” as the Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wassallam) said, so, be warned.
It is not permissible to disparage and warn against a person of Sunnah without detailed proofs as Al-Hāfidh Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalāni (d. 852H, rahimahullāh) stated, “If the jarh (criticism) of an individual is general, and the criticised one is declared trustworthy by one of the scholars of this science [of jarh wa ta’deel], then that criticism of him is not accepted from anyone regardless of who he is unless it is detailed (i.e. with proofs). That is because the standard of trustworthiness (i.e. that he is thiqah) has been established for him – and it is not removed from him except with something clearcut.” (Tadreeb Ar-Rāwee, p. 308) So, this is our Manhaj, the Manhaj of Ahlul-Hadeeth, Ahlus-Sunnah! It is not the path of abusing, cursing, insulting, tabdee’ and tafseeq without proof.
It is not permitted to criticise and disparage those who have been declared trustworthy and have been praised by the scholars. Do you, oh Salafi, believe that this baseless criticism against Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, Abdulilāh Lahmāmi (i.e. Maktabah Salafiyyah) is acceptable in light of the trustworthiness established for them by the likes of Allāmah Muqbil Al-Wādi’ee (rahimahullāh), Allāmah Abdullāh Al-Ghudayān (rahimahullāh), Allāmah Muhammad Al-Bannā (rahimahullāh), Allāmah Ahmad An-Najmee (rahimahullāh), Allāmah Rabee’ Al-Madkhali (hafidhahullāh), Allāmah ‘Ubaid Al-Jābiree (hafidhahullāh), and many, many others?
Do you believe, O Salafi, that the praises of these Scholars can be wiped out with a baseless generalised criticism without clearcut proof that has no ambiguity? If you say, “Yes, we can reject those commendations” then you have opposed the way of Ahlul-Hadeeth in Jarh wa Ta’deel. Look at this speech of a true ‘ālim of Ahlul-Hadeeth: Shaikh Rabee’ said, “A person who is well-known for Religion, Sunnah and Salafiyyah, and calling to that – then this itself is stronger than him having a praise (ta’dīl) from a scholar or two scholars.” (Al-Majmū of Shaikh Rabee’, 9/148) And he said, “When there is a contradiction between a criticism and praise of an individual, then it is a must that the reason for the criticism is explained.” (9/325) So, I say as our Shaikh, Al-Wālid, Rabee’ al-Madkhali always says, “Between us and you are the books of the Salaf; between us and you is the Manhaj of the Salaf.” So talk to us on that basis, otherwise go away.
This is our Manhaj, the Manhaj of Ahlul-Hadeeth of old, not the meanderings and baseless attacks of those who seek to sow hatred and enmity between Ahlus-Sunnah and to break their unity in order to settle personal scores.
And all praise is due to Allāh, the Lord of all creation.
Read more (referenced and evidenced):
Shaikh Rabee’s response to Muhammad Ibn Hādī (Arabic)
Where are the detailed proofs for the criticism (or Jarh) against the Scholars of Sunnah?
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Beautifully explained. Jazaakallahu khairaa