The scholars have referred to this work plentifully throughout the ages with various titles. We will list the titles here and the scholars who quoted them:
- As-Sunnah: Al-Haafidh al-Maqdisee in his ‘Aqeedah, p. 42; Ibn Taymiyyah inal-Fataawa 5/24; Ibn Katheer in al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah 12/24; As-Suyootee in Miftaahul-Jannah fil-Ihtijaaj bis-Sunnah 41,44,46; Ibn Hajar inFathul-Baaree 1/47; Mar’ee ibn Yoosuf al-Hanbalee in Aqaweel ath-Thiqaat fi Ta’weel al-Asmaa was-Sifaat, a-4, Manuscript.
- Sharh as-Sunnah: Al-Khateeb in Tareekh Baghdaad 14/70; Ibn al-‘Imaad inShadharaat adh-Dhahab 3/211; Az-Zarkalee in al-I’laam 9/57.
- Sharh I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah: Adh-Dhahabee in al-‘Uluww lil-‘Aliyy il-Ghaffaar 177.
- Usool as-Sunnah: Ibn Taymiyyah in al-Hamawiyyatul-Kubraa, incl. ar-Rasaa’il al-Kubraa 1/446 and al-Furqaan 1/37.
- Sharh Hujaj Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah: Abu Shaamah inal-Baa’ith ‘alaa Inkaaril-Hawaadith 10-11.
- Hujaj Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah: Barw Kilmaan in Tareekh al-Adab al-‘Arabee 3/306.
- As-Sunan: Al-Maqdisee in his ‘Aqeedah 34; Ibn Taymiyyah in al-Fataawa2/52,53.
Verification of the Book and it’s Authorship
The ‘ulamaa throughout the ages have quoted from this book showing their reliance upon it’s contents. From them we have:
- Ibn al-Jawzee (d. 597H) in Talbees Iblees (12, 13, 17, 18, 19) wherein he quotes from the book as As-Sunnah without mentioning the authors name.
- Abdul-Ghanee al-Maqdisee (d. 600H) in ‘Aqeedatul-Maqdisee (33-34).
- Abu Muhammad Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Ismaa’eel, famously known as Abu Shaamah (d. 665H) in al-Baa’ith ‘alaa Inkaaril-Hawaadith (10-11).
- Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H) in al-Hamawiyyatul-Kubraa (1/446) and al-Fatawaa (5: 24,50; 6: 53)
- Ibn Abil-‘Izz al-Hanafee (d. 746H) in Sharhut-Tahaawiyyah (277), al-Maktabah al-Islaamee print.
- Adh-Dhahabee (d. 748H) in at-Tadhkirah (1: 206-207) and al-‘Uluww lil-‘Aliyyil-Ghaffaar (177).
- Ibn Hajr al-‘Asqalaanee (d. 852H) in Fathul-Baaree (13/406, 407).
- As-Suyootee (d. 911H) quoted the work plentifully in ad-Durr al-Manthoor, see for example (3/37).
- Mar’ee ibn Yoosuf al-Hanbalee (d. 1032H) in Aqaweel ath-Thiqaat fi Ta’weel al-Asmaa was-Sifaat (a-4, manuscript).
- Muhammad ibn Ahmad as-Safaareenee (d. 1188H) in Lawaami’ al-Anwaar al-Bahiyyah, see for example (1:199).
Available Manuscripts
There are five manuscripts. One of them is complete in two volumes; the rest of the copies are deficient, only the first volume being complete. The remaining four manuscripts complete each other in terms of content. The available manuscripts are as follows:
First: Leipzig University Library in (East) Germany; This is complete in terms of content; 572 pages, each page has approximately 28 lines; the final chapter is the ‘Miracles of the Awliyaa’ which comprises 85 pages; the text is readable.
Second: Dhaahiriyyah Library, Damascus, Syria; dated as 671 after Hijrah; it is available and quoted from; the writing is readable in places and difficult in places.
Third: Maktabah Ridaa, Parampur, India. The copier of the manuscript was not a scholar and thus contains errors in the handwriting and copying.
There are three further manuscripts present at Dhaahiriyyah Library, Damascus, Syria – one of them being a summarized version.
For a more detailed discussion regarding these manuscripts, see vol 1, pages 149-169 of Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, Daar Tayyibah lin-Nashr wat-Tawzee’, 6th Edition, 1420H, Riyadh, KSA.
Scans of the Manuscripts
A scan of the first page from al-Maktabah adh-Dhaahiriyyah (Alif and baa):
A scan of the final page from al-Maktabah adh-Dhaahiriyyah and the first page of the Indian manuscript:
All in all this is one of the greatest works compiled in ‘aqeedah, a tremendous reference for the student of knowledge and the seeker of truth. May Allaah shower his mercy upon Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee (d. 418H) for his service to Islaam and the Sunnah in compiling the ijmaa’ of the Sahaabah, the Taabi’een and those who came after them, Ameen.