
Part 6: Abandoning Argumentation and Debating in Matters of Belief and Manhaj―and a Clarification of the Meaning of the Sunnah, and Refuting the Qurānites who Deny the Hadīth: Foundations of the Sunnah of Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal (Expl. of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmī)

In the name of Allāh, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. REQUEST: I have made this article freely available ― I request that you donate the amount of just £2 ($2 or €2) [read on…]


Part 5: Our Manhaj with the Innovators: To Abandon Argumentation and Sitting with Ahlul-Bidʿah ― The Foundations of the Sunnah, with the explanation of Shaikh An-Najmī.

In the name of Allāh, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. REQUEST: I have made this article freely available ― I request that you donate the amount of just £2 ($2 or €2) [read on…]


Part 4: Obligation of Following the Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and know that every Innovation is Misguidance: Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal’s Usūl As-Sunnah (The Foundations of the Sunnah) with the explanation of Shaikh An-Najmi

In the name of Allāh, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. REQUEST: I have made this article freely available ― I request that you donate the amount of just £2 ($2 or €2) [read on…]


Part 3: To Abandon Innovations, Hizbiyyah (Partisanship), Differing, Sectarianism, and Establishing the Call to Unity: Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal’s Usūl As-Sunnah (The Foundations of the Sunnah) with the explanation of Shaikh An-Najmi.

In the name of Allāh, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. REQUEST: I have made this article freely available ― I request that you donate the amount of just £2 ($2 or €2) [read on…]


Introduction: The Sirātul-Mustaqeem and the Path of the Salaf: Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal’s Usūl As-Sunnah (The Foundations of the Sunnah) with the explanation of Shaikh An-Najmi.

Introduction All thanks and praise is due to Allah, we seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and the consequences of our [read on…]

misty mountainous terrain on clear day

Chapter 18: The saying of the Most High: “Indeed you do not guide whom you will, rather it is Allah who guides whomsoever He wills.” Kitāb At-Tawheed of Shaikh Ahmad an-Najmi.

“Ash-Sharh al-Moojaz al-Mumahhad li Tawheed al-Khaaliq al-Mumajjad alladhi allafahu Shaikhul-Islaam Muhammad” (The Concise, Simple and Straight-forward Explanation of the Tawheed of the Exalted Creator – which was Authored by the Shaikhul-Islaam [read on…]

photo of thunderstorm

Chapter 16: Intercession (Shafā’ah) In Islam: The Permissible And Impermissible: Kitāb At-Tawheed.

“Ash-Sharh al-Moojaz al-Mumahhad li Tawheed al-Khaaliq al-Mumajjad alladhi allafahu Shaikhul-Islaam Muhammad” (The Concise, Simple and Straight-forward Explanation of the Tawheed of the Exalted Creator – which was Authored by the Shaikhul-Islaam [read on…]