40 Hadeeth on Women

Hadeeth 4: “Women should not wear tight-fitting clothes and thin materials outside the home (dressed yet naked)―or have humps like camels on their heads, nor call other women to their sins.” (40 Hadeeth on the Manners and Conduct of Women)

A REQUEST THAT WILL HELP YOU AND THE DA’WAH: I have made this article freely available―I request that you donate even a small amount of just £2 or $2 (or more) as a Sadaqah to [read on…]


The Permissibility of Keeping Dogs for Hunting, Guarding and Herding―and it is Harām to Keep them as Pets or to Buy and Sell them.

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all creation, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be [read on…]