Question 5:
Muslims are oppressed all over the world in places like Palestine, Kashmir, Syria and elsewhere in the Muslim world. We find that the Salafīs never support the call to protest against this oppression, nor do they call for the boycott of produce from these countries. Please can you explain why the Salafīs never stand up for justice against these oppressions?
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation, may Allah extol the mention of our noble Prophet Muhammad in the highest company of Angels, bless him and give him peace and security―and likewise, his family, his Companions and all those who follow him correctly until the establishment of the Hour.
This is a pertinent question for this era and these times because of the fact that it is true that the Muslims are being oppressed in the various parts of the world. Muslims are suffering at the hands of the unbelievers, and at the hands of the enemies of Islām among the Rāfidah, the Khawārij and others.
The person who asked the question states that the Muslims are being oppressed in various places like Palestine, Kashmīr, India and Syria — this is true. The second part of the question states that the Salafīs never support the call to protest. When you say “protest” I assume what you intend is marching in the streets and demonstrating against those in authority. There are several ways that this question can be answered, and I’ll take a few approaches and deal with this important issue, inshā-Allāh.
As for protesting and marching in the streets, then there is no evidence for these activities in the Quran and Sunnah. To demonstrate in the streets has no proof that would validate it.
Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil are acts of worship, and therefore must be carried out according to the Prophetic methodology. The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever amongst you sees an evil, then let him stop it with his hand. If he is not able, then let him speak out against it with his tongue (i.e. with speech). If he is not able, then let him hate it with his heart, and that is the weakest of Īmān.” And in a narration: “There is no Īmān beyond that.”
So, the advocates of public street demonstrations say: “Look, Allāh’s Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Whomsoever amongst you sees an evil, then let him stop it with his hand. If he is not able, then let him speak out against it with speech…’, so let us go and march, and let us go shout in the streets against the injustice.” But they are wrong in using this hadeeth as a proof to eradicate evil because the Prophet and his Companions did not use demonstrations as a means to achieve that, though it was at their disposal. And the fact he could have commanded them to march in the streets of Makkah but never did, only re-emphasises its forbiddance as a means of rectification whether in Muslim countries or non-Muslim countries ―and those who say it is allowed in the Non-Muslim countries should remember that the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) was living in a land of unbelief (Makkah), where he was oppressed alongside the believers yet they never protested.
The deviated groups have taken to marching in the streets claiming “we are forbidding evil” as an act of ‘ibādah (worship) and a type of struggle (Jihād) in Allah’s cause. So now it is upon them to provide us with evidence for this worship that they have innovated?
Where is the text from the ahādīth of Allāh’s Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) or the Sahābah (radhiyallāhu ‘anhum) that shows they went out marching in the streets against the kuffār and against their oppressors? Where is the proof? Were not the Muslims oppressed in Makkah at the time of the Prophet? So, did they go out marching in the streets when they were oppressed? Did they scream for the downfall of Abū Jahl and Abū Sufyān (who were from the leaders in that time)? Did they call for their downfall waving placards and demonstrating around the Ka’bah? Did the Sahābah and the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) ever do that? If they did not carry that out as a form of forbidding evil, then why do you do it?
The Sahābah (radhiyallāhu ‘anhum) suffered oppression under Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf, as did the Tābi’īn. ‘Abdullāh ibn Zubayr, the Sahābī (radhiyallāhu ‘anhumā) was killed by Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf and he was crucified in Makkah and the Ka’bah was demolished — and this was after the time of the four Caliphs. Yet, the Sahābah (radhiyallāhu ‘anhum) never demonstrated in the streets, and they never protested. Why? Because these are not legislated means of rectification — instead these innovated practices lead to greater evil. And if you want to see proof, then look at the Muslim world today, and look where demonstrating against the authorities has led them.
They started their “Arab Spring” which they all celebrated. The Ahl al-Bid’ah among the Takfīrīs, and the groups calling to democracy and liberalism within the Muslim lands, and al-Ikhwān al-Muflisīn in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and Yemen. Look at those countries now!
Look what happened when they demonstrated in Syria, look at Syria today. Where did your demonstrations lead you? It led to half a million deaths, of men, women and children in Syria alone— And to several million refugees camped on the borders of Syria: in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey, as well as mass-migration of poor and traumatised people into an unwelcoming and hostile Europe. They are the people who were dispossessed of their homes and displaced, suffering and dying. A generation of children that received no education, a generation that never went to a Masjid to study the Qur’ān, a generation who never had the opportunity to learn the Religion of Allāh or to raise a family in peace and safety. All of this because these revolutionaries, Ikhwanis, liberals and vanguards of democracy and ‘freedom’ unleashed their innovations and heresies upon the unlearned masses.
Shaykh al-Albānī (rahimahullāhu ta’ālā) has a statement concerning demonstrations wherein he states his surprise at these people who want to protest in the streets to establish the Sharī’ah of Allāh, yet they do so by imitating the kuffār ―they demonstrate in the streets just as the kuffār demonstrate in their lands; like the communists and those living in western democracies.
You wish to rectify affairs by imitating the kuffār in their principles, and in their religion, and in their methods? Where is the proof that Allāh (subhānahu wa ta’ālā) allowed you to demonstrate? You cannot use general āyāt and general ahādīth because the Sahābah (radhiyallāhu ‘anhum) did not understand them like you understand them ―you have invented your own interpretations of the texts to justify your deviations.
Which of the four well-known Imāms that we spoke about (Abū Hanīfah, Mālik, ash-Shāfi’ī, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal) commanded you to go and demonstrate in the streets? None of them. So where did this idea come from except the kuffār from Europe, from China, from Russia, from the communists and from the Bolsheviks; from Beijing Square when they demonstrated and died in the early nineties; and at the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the demonstrations that you see across Europe and elsewhere.
So, the ignorant and misguided Muslims look to that and say: “We’re going to do that in our lands.” So they borrowed this idea from the kuffār and they said: “We are going to use their method to establish Islām?” And now look at the end result.
Know that Islam and the Muslims will not be aided and rectified except when they traverse the methodology of the Salaf.
You ask: Why do not the Salafīs support protests and demonstrations? You want the Salafīs to support murder, killing and upheaval that results from your protests?!
That is why when the scholar, Shaykh al-Fawzān was asked about it, he said: “Do not demonstrate”. Shaykh Rabī’ al-Madkhali was asked, he said: “Do not demonstrate”. Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jābirī was asked, he said: “Do not demonstrate”. Shaykh ‘Abd al-Muhsin al-‘Abbād was asked, he said: “Do not demonstrate”. They advised people to stay in their homes. Why? Because this is not from the methodology of the Sahābah.
And before them when Al-Imām Ibn Bāz (rahimahullāh) was asked in the nineties, he forbade these demonstrations as did Shaikhs Ibn Uthaimeen and Al-Albānī. Those who participate in public protests, sit-ins and marches have opposed the Sunnah in bringing about rectification in society and they have opposed the way of the Salaf. Allāh (tye Most High) stated in Sūrat an-Nūr, verse 63:
“Let those beware who oppose the command of the Messenger of Allāh that they may be overtaken by a calamity or that they may be punished with severe punishment.”
So this is the result when the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is opposed and contradicted — the result is calamity and tribulation.
The leaders of misguidance (Ahlul-Bid’ah) sat in their homes, and in their hideouts throughout the country and they sent out Tweets, Facebook Messages and WhatsApp broadcasts encouraging Egyptians to take to the streets. So they sit in their homes in comfort whilst the butcher, the baker, the nurse and the car mechanic are marching in the streets facing armed police and bullets because they have been told by these innovators that it is a form of Jihad and forbidding evil. Today, it is the children of the teacher, the butcher, the baker, the nurse and the mechanic who are suffering in Syria and elsewhere.
Look at the landscape of countries like Syria and Libya before the demonstrations and look at them today. And look where the demonstrations led them in Tunisia; how they opened the doors for the people of Takfīr and the terrorists. In every place, the only people who benefited from this societal upheaval are the wrongdoers, transgressors, the opposers of the Sunnah and the Truth. This is where your demonstrations led you!
Individual Muslims and Business Boycotting:
“If a Muslim wants to personally boycott goods and services of companies and businesses about whom it is established and known that they donate for the cause of these Jews who revile Islām and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), and kill, harm and abuse Muslims because of their religion, then out of protective jealousy for Islām, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and Muslims, he may choose not to personally buy such goods and services. This is a personal thing and every Muslim is encouraged to adopt such a policy, this is what is indicated in the speech of Shaykh al-Luḥaydān as it relates to merchants, but there is nothing to stop the general Muslim in exercising his protective jealousy out of love, loyalty and aid of the Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم).
Note: What Muslims do these days of calling and announcing general, universal boycotts and imposing this upon the generality of Muslim populations, until even calls for boycotting of franchises of well known brands in Muslim countries, where all the proceeds actually benefit the Muslim owners and employees (and who may give charity from these profits to Muslim causes), these types of calls are based on ignorance and lack of comprehension of realities and benefits and harms.” (See this article by Dr. Abu ʿIyād Amjad Rafiq)
As for boycotting all goods, coming into a Muslim land then that is not in your hands. The boycotting of a product from a particular land or a particular people is for the rulers to decide, not for you to decide. If the scholars of a Muslim country advise the Muslim ruler that such-and-such a product should be boycotted, or such-and-such country should not be cooperated with, then the Muslim ruler has the right to do that, if he sees a benefit for the Muslims in that.
Take the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who, since the inception of the state of the Jews, until this day have had no diplomatic ties with them, and virtually no trade links. So this is for the rulers to decide, not for these ‘social justice warriors’ in London, Tobago, Trinidad, France, India, Jamaica, or New York. You cannot sit in your apartment flat and issue fatāwā that you cannot buy such-and-such products, or you cannot shop in certain supermarkets. You do not have the right to issue such fatāwā. We mentioned that the right of giving fatāwā is with the ‘ulamā’. And even the ‘ulamā’ cannot pass a ruling upon all of the people for boycotting goods except with the permission of the Muslim ruler (if that is in a Muslim land).
The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not forbid trading with the enemy. In fact, there’s a chapter in Sahīh al-Bukhārī, “Buying and selling with the mushrikīn and with the enemies of war”. In this chapter there is found the following hadīth: ‘Abdur-Rahmān ibn Abī Bakr said: “We were with the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) when a tall pagan (mushrik) with long matted and unkempt hair came driving his sheep. So the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Are those sheep for sale or are they gifts?’ The pagan said: ‘They are for sale.’ So the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) bought one from him.”
This understanding is from Bukhārī and he placed this hadīth in his chapter with the heading: “Buying and selling with the mushrikīn and with the enemies of war.”
Ibn Hajr al-Asqalāni (rahimahullāh) in his Fathul-Bāri the explanation of Saheeh al-Bukhārī said (vol. 4, pp. 478-479): Ibn Battāl said: “Having dealings and trading with the Kuffār is permissible except that it is not permitted to sell to the enemies in war, a product which can be used by them against the Muslims.” In it is a permissibility to buy the merchandise of the disbeliever, and an affirmation that he owns what is in his hand. Also that it is allowed to accept a gift from him.
Shaykh al-Fawzān (hafidhahullāh) was asked about what was printed in some of the newspapers, where some of the people of agitation claimed that all US goods should be boycotted on the basis that USA supports Israel. And it was claimed that this verdict was issued by the scholars. And it was mentioned that the one who purchases these goods has committed a major sin on the basis that the purchase of these goods aids the Jews in fighting and killing Muslims. So Shaykh al-Fawzān (hafidhahullāh) answered robustly, asking for proofs that such a verdict was issued by the true scholars. So he said that it is not true that such a fatwa was issued. The scholars have not issued a verdict that the goods of the Americans are to be boycotted — and their goods have not ceased being purchased in the marketplaces of the Muslims. And the purchase of these goods cannot be prevented unless it is a command given by the Muslim ruler of the land. So if the ruler issues such a command, forbidding the purchase of products of certain countries, then it is obligatory to obey the ruler.
As for individuals calling to these boycotts, issuing fatāwā, then that is not permitted for them. Even I have received by WhatsApp, and I am sure many of you have seen these too: “Avoid and boycott all of the following products” and they will list maybe twenty or thirty supermarkets, and high street stores and companies! This is foolishness, ignorance and folly — with what right are they issuing these fatāwā?!
If Muslims are oppressed, then take the advice of Shaykh al-Albānī (rahimahullāh), take the advice of Shaykh Ibn Bāz (rahimahullāh), take the advice of Shaykh al-Fawzān (rahimahullāh). If the Muslims are suffering in their lands, then aid them.
If they are being oppressed, do not throw further fuel on the fire. Aid them by sending medical aid, or food and clothing, or by sending them money so they can rebuild their lives and homes. Make du’ā’ for them and educate them. And advise people not to protest and march. Look at what happened in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, ‘Irāq and Yemen. Do not follow their path! If you are thinking about doing that in your country, then fear for your Religion, your family and your children. Do not slaughter your own children with your own hands by causing upheaval in the land. Make du’ā’ for the rulers, rectify your societies, study the Religion of Allāh, rectify your ‘Aqīdah, stop sinning, avoid the major sins, stop fornicating, stop listening to music, stop watching pornography, pray your five daily prayers, study Kitāb at-Tawhīd, learn your belief — and Allāh will give you victory. It is not in your hands, it is in the Hands of Allāh. Work righteous deeds, follow the Sunnah, abandon Bid’ah, leave the innovated groups, follow the path of the Salaf, follow ad-Da’wah as-Salafiyyah!
The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “When you partake in interest, and hold on to the tails of cattle, and are satisfied with cultivation and abandon Jihād in the Path of Allāh, then Allah will send down His humiliation on you, and He will not remove it until you return back to your Religion.” So, Allāh’s Messenger said: “…until you return back to your religion.” Return back to your religion and Allāh will give you victory, and Allāh will remove the humiliation. When the Muslims sin, when they partake in sinful acts, when they imitate the kuffār, and they fuel the fitnah by rebelling against the Muslim ruler because he is a tyrant; then they will bring humiliation on themselves.
The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) forbade rebelling against the rulers and marching against the rulers, all of this is forbidden. He even forbade you from speaking out against them. The Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “If you see something from your ruler that you hate, then do not speak about it publicly.” He is commanding you — so do you want to follow him, or do you want to follow your desires? If you see something from your ruler that you hate, then do not make that public. I did not command it, the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) commanded it in this authentic hadīth.
That is why we say, do not take from Ahl al-Bid’ah, because Ahl al-Bid’ah rely on their ‘aql (intellect), or their hawā (desires), or their emotions, or their love of leadership and authority. So you find some of them saying that this hadīth does not make any sense to them, so they abandon it. They follow their intellects and abandon the Messenger of Allāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) — and they say: “We cannot follow these texts because our hearts and our anger and our desire for revenge does not allow us follow these hadīths.”
So say to them: Don’t follow the Prophet then! Follow your hawā and abandon the Messenger of Allāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), but do not claim that you are working for Islām, and for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah!
Ibn Baz explained that when the fitnah (trial and discord) occurred in the time of ‘Uthmān, some people said to Usāmah bin Zayd , ‘Will you not speak to ‘Uthmān?’ So he said, ‘Do you think that I have not spoken to him, just because you have not heard it from me? Verily I will speak to him concerning what is between him and me, without opening a door which I would not like to be the first to open.’ So when the Khawarij opened it, much evil occurred in the time of ‘Uthmān. They opposed ‘Uthmān openly, thus causing tribulation, fighting and corruption, which has not ceased to affect the people to this day.
What do our detractors mean when they say we do not stand up against oppression!? Those who accuse us and then create tribulation in Muslim societies through street demonstrations, they are the oppressors in truth. They oppress other Muslims, they oppress the rulers, they oppress ahlus-Sunnah and they wrong themselves. Do they really believe that the Salafīs do not stand up for justice because we do not go out marching and shouting in the streets?!
We say to the Muslims, when fitnah strikes, stay in your homes. If you had stayed in your homes in Syria, if you had stayed in your homes in Egypt, if you had stayed in your homes in Tunisia, and in ‘Irāq, and in Yemen and in other places, maybe Allāh (subhānahū wa ta’ālā) would have given you better. You cannot rectify affairs by opposing the Sunnah. Imam Malik stated, “The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by that which rectified its earliest part.” Meaning, look to the way of Allah’s Messenger and his Companions, and in that you will find the solution and salvation from fitan.
Now you Muslims have an opportunity to learn from these recent tribulations. Do not be deceived by those misguided ones who say, “Why don’t hear the Salafīs speak against the rulers? Why don’t the Salafīs march in the streets?” Say to them: If you had followed the Salafīs, you would not be facing the afflictions and tribulations in your countries. Those Khawārij and Rāfidah are rejoicing that the Muslim Ummah is burning and that Muslim nations are falling apart, they are over-joyed!
Many western countries insisted that the discontented people in Muslim countries be allowed to protest on the streets in the name of establishing freedom and democracy. What democracy have they achieved?! Muslims lands are drenched with the blood of their own people.
The methodology of success lies in Tasfiyah (purification of the religion from false beliefs and practices) and Tarbiyah (cultivation of the Muslims upon the religion as it was in the time of Prophethood). When the Muslim Ummah begins to realise that, they will attain Allah’s aid. Shaykh al-Albānī used to say that to the people fifty years ago, when he told the Palestinians to adopt the Manhaj of Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah, not the Manhaj of throwing stones at tanks and terrorism.
Just like when the very early Muslims were being oppressed in Makkah, they worshipped Allah alone, followed their Prophet as they were commanded, held to the correct ‘aqeedah, and Allāh gave them a way out — and Allāh gave them victory after victory after victory. Not because they were throwing stones, not because they were waving placards but because they were worshipping Allāh, performing righteous deeds, calling to good, calling to Tawhīd, inviting people to Islām, cultivating their children upon that, strengthening their Imān — and Allāh opened doors for them — such that within a hundred years after the passing away of the Prophet, the Muslims were walking in the streets of Spain. Imagine, within a hundred years, from the desert they were now walking through Western Europe.
This is Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah that we call the people to ― purification and cultivation. Purification of the religion from falsehood, innovation, shirk, kufr and alien practices. And then to cultivate the present and upcoming generations upon the way of the Sahābah, worshipping Allāh with pious deeds, avoiding sins and uniting our communities upon the truth.
So this is my answer to that question. May Allāh (subhānahu wa ta’ālā) guide the Ummah of Muhammad (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
(Based on a transcription by Umm Hidāyah from a question and answer session with Masjid Abdullāh Ibn ‘Abbās, Tobago (Mpubs) in the Caribbean, Ramadān 1439H, June 2018CE)
Jazakmullah khayran Ustādh this is a very good article considering the situation currently here in Uganda all the doubts have been repelled.
The final questioner has asked the following: Muslims are oppressed all over the world in places like Palestine by the Jews, Kashmir and India by the Hindus and in Syria and places of the like in the Muslim world. We find that the Salafis never support the call to protest against this oppression or call for the boycott of certain products from these countries. Please can you explain why the Salafis never stand up for justice against these oppressions. [21:33]
فضيلة الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله:
A question to the noble Scholar, Sālih Al-Fawzān (may Allāh preserve him) regarding demonstrations.
السؤال : هل من وسائل الدعوة القيام بالمظاهرات لحل مشاكل الأمة الإسلامية؟
Question: “Is it from the means of da’wah to establish demonstrations in order to alleviate the difficulties of the Muslim Ummah?”
الجواب : ديننا ليس دين فوضى ديننا دين انضباط ودين نظام وهدوء وسكينة ، والمظاهرات ليست من أعمال المسلمين وماكان المسلمون يعرفونها ، ودين الإسلام دين هدوء ودين رحمة ودين انضباط لا فوضى ولا تشويش ولا إثارة فتن، هذا هو دين الإسلام والحقوق يتوصل إليها بالمطالبة الشرعية والطرق الشرعية والمظاهرات تحدث سفك دماء وتحدث تخريب أموال . فلا تجوز هذه الأمور
Answer: “Our religion is not a religion of chaos and disorder. It is a religion of order, discipline, tranquility and calmness. Demonstrations are not from actions of the Muslims — and the Muslims did not used know about them. Islam is a religion of calmness and mercy, a religion of order — not a religion of chaos or mischief or inciting discord and trials. So that is the religion of Islam. And the rights are arrived at by appealing to the Shariah and the paths of the Shariah. Demonstrations lead to spilling blood and destruction of wealth and possessions — so these affairs are not permitted.
Further advice for India:
Assalāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāh,
I advise the Muslims of India to cling to the Sunnah, and stop this un-Islamic behaviour. If you are against demonstrations because you know there is no proof for them, then advise others also to stop this innovated practice and to return to their homes and repent to Allah, and supplicate to Him to aid the Muslims.
Learn the Belief of the Sahabah, their Methodology in rectifying and study the Sunnah. Indian Muslims must have sabr (patience), make du’ā to Allah, stay in your homes and stop exposing thousands of Muslims to danger and death at the hands of the authorities.
Those calling to march and scream in the streets have no proof for their actions. The scholars of the Ummah like Al-Albani, Ibn Baz, Al-Fawzan, Muqbil, Rabee’, etc advised in every fitnah of this nature to withhold and remain patient, not to fight or protest in the streets.
Subhānallāh! I have seen teenage Muslim girls and boys in the streets of India shouting and screaming without knowledge or understanding.
Is this conduct from the Sunnah?! They all need to defuse the situation and return to their homes and learn the Shariah methodology of rectification.
Fathers and mothers should demand from their children to return to their homes. Any child who disobeys his parents in that has sinned – and has innovated in the Religion (due to his demonstrating).
So, do not follow the rabble-rousers, do not follow emotions, do not follow desires, rather follow the Sunnah, the Sahabah and the Salaf. And we ask Allah for safety and well-being.
Wassalāmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullāh.
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam.
(Monday 16th December 2019)
Muslims generally should supplicate to Allah to alleviate these afflictions and seek forgiveness for their sins as this may be a punishment from Allah for disobedience.
Added to that: They should write letters to anyone who has political strength, authority and influence just as Shaikh Ibn Bāz used to advise. Call and visit those with influence to aid the Muslim if they have access to such people. Always maintain the best of character and manners.
Influential Muslims, student-leaders and mosques must stop rabble-rousing, and instead use this as an opportunity to reflect upon the ‘aqeedah and worship and obedience of the Muslim communities — the cause of humiliation is sins and opposition to Sunnah. The closer you are to the Sunnah, the closer you are to the aid of Allah.
May Allah aid the Muslims and guide us and them to His good pleasure.
Abu Khadeejah
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān [hafidhahullah].

Honored Shaikh, is it permissible for us to stage demonstrations in the lands of the West in order to support the Muslims? Sometimes Jews and Christians participate with us since this (i.e. demonstrations) is allowed by law? Maybe these demonstrations will achieve a goal?
“The Muslims must differentiate themselves by observing the etiquettes and manners of Islam. and demonstrations are not among these manners. Rather demanding our rights is to be done through lawful shariah means… demanding one’s rights is through lawful means. As for demonstrations, then they are not from the guidance of Islaam. The Muslims, in the Muslims countries and outside of them, should differentiate themselves with the manners of Islaam, and not adopt the manners of the disbelievers. And that which they do [i.e. demonstrations] is not from the manners of Islaam.”
From salafitalk .net
Question from India:
What is the response to those who say: “Protesting is not allowed in Muslim countries but it is allowed in non-Muslim countries because the rulers are non-Muslims and we are free to demonstrate”?
Answer: Protests are not from the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah, irregardless of where they take place — even if they are “peaceful”, whether in India, Egypt, Europe or Pakistan.
If they were allowed in Islam as a means of bringing about rectification, then the Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wasallam) and the Sahabah would have taught us to establish them, and given us guidelines!
So street protests and marches are rejected by Allah and His Messenger. Allah (the Most High) stated: “Or have they set up partners with Allah who legislate for them in the religion without permission from Allah.” So those who call to demonstrations are legislating acts in the Shariah without proof.
The Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever does an action that is not in accordance with our affair (i.e. Quran and Sunnah), then it will be rejected.” (Sahīh Muslim).
So, those who seek guidance from a religion or ideology other than Islam, then it will never be accepted.
Allāh stated: “Whoever desires a religion other than Islam, then it will never be accepted from him and in the Hereafter, he will be from the losers.” These demonstrators who seek rectification by other than the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah are wasting their efforts (if not their freedom and lives) and innovating in the Religion.
There is nothing authentic in the Sunnah that proves the permissibility of protests. Over the past few days, the only responses we’ve heard are based upon emotions, desires and political Ikhwāni agitation, and they say “what else can we do?”
Inform them: we have a perfect example for your situation — and that is the Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wasallam) in Makkah. He was living in a land of idolators (mushriks); he had no political power; the believers were weak; they were oppressed; they were boycotted; some were tortured for their beliefs and even killed. So what did he do?
Did he march and protest when the pagans were harming the Muslims? No, he did not — the Muslims never carried out street demonstrations. And Imam Malik stated, “The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by that which rectified its earliest part.” Meaning, look to the way of Allah’s Messenger and his Companions, and in that, you will find the solution and salvation from tribulations.
People have even quoted to us an incident from a movie about the life of the Prophet as proof for street demonstrations! Our religion is based on the Quran and authentic Hadith, not movies, fantasies or desires.
So what do you do instead? I have already answered that in the previous post. But here’s further serious reading about the “State of the Ummah, Causes of Weakness and Means of Rectification.”
Wassalāmu alaikum.
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam
17th December 2019
The solution has been provided in the post above (follow links) and the previous post.
Also, watch this video which explains the conduct of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) in times of affliction.
Even though the video talks about terrorism, nevertheless it gives a detailed insight into the Sunni methodology in times of political and social unrest.
The solution is not to cause bloodshed, killing, the destruction of lives and property ― that is where street protests lead. The solution begins with sabr (true patience) and prayer, and to avoid any conduct that displeases Allah and keep away from listening to ignoramuses who give fatawa without proofs!
So, stay in your homes, and don’t join the rabble. Call upon Allah, and especially in the last third of the night, and seek His aid, mercy and forgiveness. Ask Him to remove the calamity and give victory to the Sunnah. And you should stop sinning (music, movies, lying, ribā, fornication, etc), avoid bid’ah, study your Religion and especially the ‘aqeedah with ahlus-Sunnah (the Salafis).
The scholars have spoken in detail of the solution for the Muslims in their state of turmoil and discord ― taken from the Book and Sunnah. The solution is to take a long-term view which is built on Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah, purification and cultivation.
Political agitators and activists: Ikhwanis, Takfiris, Qutbis, Siyāsiyyūn don’t want to hear this Manhaj because they find the Sunnah and the way of the Sahābah bitter and in opposition to their political ambitions. That’s why we delete baseless comments that are devoid of Religious knowledge but filled with ideas that are foreign to the Kitāb and Sunnah.
The ignorant youth want quick remedies that don’t involve changing their lives. Do they really think that just because a man in a mosque in India (or anywhere) gives a fatwa to protest and demonstrate, that now becomes a Shariah ruling?! The thoughtful Salafi youth, who understand the importance of the Methodology of the Sunnah will know that you cannot use harām means to attain a praiseworthy end-result.
Read this, and learn the Methodology of our beloved Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wasallam) in rectification in this short eBook:…/
Indian Protests:
Listen to this answer of the noble Scholar, Shaikh Sālih Al-Fawzān (from over 7 years ago) regarding those so-called “muftis” who give fatwas based upon ignorance allowing the people to demonstrate in the streets leading to corruption and harm in the Ummah.
Also listen to today’s khutbah explaining why protests oppose Islam. “Allah Only Accepts That Which is Good” by Abu Khadeejah — listen here:…/
Fear of persecution in India? Read this admonition of Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)…
Download the eBook and read it on your phones and share:
“The State of the Ummah: Causes that led to its Weakness and the Means of Rectification”…/State-of-the-Ummah-Book-5.0.p…
You are in great need of strengthening your imān and Islamic belief and following that with righteous actions (‘amal) and that can only be achieved by seeking beneficial authentic knowledge and firmly adhering to the methodology of the Righteous Salaf (pious predecessors)…
All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger, his family and Companions.
To proceed:
By Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam
All of these justifications to protest in the streets are shrouded in deceit and opposition to the Prophetic Manhaj (Methodology). That is because islāh of the Ummah is Tawqīfiyyah, not ijtihādiyyah as stated by Imām Mālik (in his famous saying about rectification of the Ummah is only achieved as it was achieved in the first era) and countless other great scholars ― Meaning that rectification of the Ummah, when it faces trials and discord, is only achieved by the following the rulings of the Qur’ān and Sunnah, and the way of the Salaf. That is because rectification in times of fitnah is not something new that wasn’t there previously ― for this reason, it is mentioned over and over again in the texts of the Quran and Sunnah and the books of ‘Aqeedah and Manhaj.
These individuals have deceitfully placed rectification of the Ummah into the arena of ijtihād similar to “organ donation”; or related to affairs of masālih (general benefit) such as “opening schools and hospitals” to justify political protests and demonstrations.
So, either they are ignorant, may Allah guide them ― in which case, they need to remain quiet and stop issuing fatawa based upon their ignorance of the usūl in matters of Manhaj and Rectification, or they have deviated, while knowing the truth ― and therefore are upon the methodologies of Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimūn (and their offshoots) who hold that the means of da’wah and rectification are open to ijtihād, the ‘aql and political necessity― such that they will cooperate with the enemies of the Islamic ‘Aqeedah such as the grave-worshipping Sufis, the Ikhwānis, the Māturidi Deobandis and Shi’ah to attain their political objectives.
For this reason, they have used the hadīth, “Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand” in a manner that none of the Sahābah, the Salaf or the Four Imāms ever used ― in order to justify their falsehood and baseless fatāwa. That in itself proves the futility of their arguments.
These are the same tactics that were employed by the Ikhwāni-Qutubies (such as Safar Al-Hawali, Abdur-Rahmān Abdul-Khāliq, Salmān Al-‘Awdah, Muhammad Surūr, etc) back in the 90’s for which the Major Scholars refuted them ― so this is just a regurgitation of those methodologies that lead to an increase in extremism and deviation among the Muslim youth and their destruction.
We ask Allah for safety and well-being for the Muslim ummah from these callers to misguidance. And all praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon the Messenger.
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid (18th December 2019)
Assalaamu ‘alaikum,
“Dealing With The Contrary Fatawā Of Scholars.”
The slip of the scholar or his mistaken ijtihād is never a proof in the Shariah except for the ignorant and the one who has no insight.
Blind following without proof is the way of the Brelewis, Deobandis, Ikhwānis and Tablighis who follow their shaikhs blindly without guidance or evidence.
Al-Imām Ibn Abdil-Barr (rahimahullāh) stated: “Using difference of opinion is not a proof with any of the people of knowledge from the scholars of the Ummah, except for the one who has no insight, has no knowledge with him and has no proof for his saying.” [Jāmi’ Bayān al-‘Ilm wa Fadlihi, 2/229].
Also, al-Khattābi (rahimahullāh) stated: “And differing is not a proof – rather the clarification of the Sunnah is a proof upon those who differ with each other, from the earlier people and the later people.”
[A’lāmul-Hadīth 3/2092]
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid Alam
Thursday 19th December 2019
Asalamu Alaykum Our Noble Sheikh,
May Allah preserve you,
I have a brother who have been afflicted with the ideas/calls of Anwar Al Awlaki. As a result he has strong hatred against today’s rulers[ and scholars] and he has been like this for years now, and he doesnt know much about tawheed, Allahu Al Mustaan. He always brings Narrations (Allah Knows best about their authenticity) to justify his claims that one can rebel against the ruler and that he can openly criticize the ruler? What do you advice as it relates to this brother given that Im just a beginner in seeking knowledge [he always brings claims which I am unable to refute due to my lack of knowledge]? Should I send him the refutations of this man or what should I do?
Please read these two articles: