(Q. 393): Is Witr to be left off when staying in Muzdalifah (during Hajj) due to the Hadeeth: The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) offered Maghrib and ‘Ishā prayers which he combined at Jama’ (i.e., at Muzdalifah) with a separate Iqāmah for each of them – and he did not offer any optional prayer in-between them or after them.” (Al-Bukhari, no. 1673)
Answer: No. This is not correct – because the intent of the Hadeeth refers to the Sunnah prayers connected to the five obligatory prayers (rātibah). As for the Witr, he would pray it during all his travels.
(Masā’il Al-Imām Ibn Bāz)
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