Advice to my Sisters, and the Muslims of India in General Concerning the Banning of the Hijāb in Schools and Colleges―and our Response to the Street Protests

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(Updated. 09:30am 17 Feb. 2022)

In the name of Allāh, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation; may Allah extol the mention of our noble Prophet Muhammad in the highest company of Angels, bless him and give him peace and security―and his family, his Companions and all those who follow him correctly until the establishment of the Hour.

I wish to offer some advice in response to a question that has been put to me by our brothers and sisters from India. These questions revolve around what has been termed “the India hijāb row.”

So, in certain parts of India, the authorities have banned women from wearing the hijāb in educational facilities and institutions. It has caused a lot of Muslims to be justifiably concerned and fearful about the future of their religion in a country that was, for many centuries, predominantly ruled by Muslims.1The Muslim conquest of India began in the 8th Century CE when the Arab general Muhammad Ibn Qāsim (695-715 CE) entered the Sindh region for the purpose of da’wah and expansion of the Umayyad rulership. So Islamic rule began in Sindh and Multan and then over the centuries expanded into the rest of India through various dynasties. However, it was later in the 12th century that Muslim rule dominated the Indian subcontinent. The last Muslim empire to rule India was that of the Mughals which lasted more than two hundred years from the 16th century onwards. (See The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria,(pp. 28-29) Though it cannot be said that the Muslims and Hindus lived in complete harmony through this period (due to their stark religious and cultural differences), they did, nevertheless, live peacefully in an atmosphere of tolerance and “few instances were known of conflicts between the Muslim rulers and their subjects”.2“Few instances were known of conflicts between the Muslim rulers and their Hindu subjects. According to B. Prasad, this Muslim-Hindu peaceful co-existence had at its origin the military strength of the Mughal army as well as the religious toleration of the Mughal emperors. See The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria, (p. 29) Even in those regions where the Hindu princes remained in power, the Qurān and Shariah were used as the basis of administration. So, most of the rulers of India were Muslims, the seat of power was with the Muslims and many of principalities were run by Muslim rulers until the British arrived with the East India Company, and over a few centuries, the stranglehold of the British became tighter, culminating in the total subjugation of the subcontinent.3British rule truly began to take hold after the battle of Plassey in 1757 CE. After that, the colonisation of India spread across the subcontinent. “Plassey is a small town near Calcutta. It was in this place that the British under Clive defeated forces of Suraj-ud-Dowlah, Nawab of Bengal. This decisive battle resulted in the establishment of British rule in India.” J. Gardiner. The Penguin Dictionary of British History. London: Penguin Books, 2000:538. After that, the British set about exploiting India, they virtually enslaved its people, stripped its resources, robbed its wealth, changed its laws and culture, and left the country bankrupt on its knees, divided and in ruination in 1947, which has led to several disputes and wars across its borders.4On the 15th of August 1947, India ceased to exist as a British colony. In its place separate sovereign states were created, India and [East and West] Pakistan; and Kashmir as an undefined disputed region. However, there is no doubt among historians that the Hindus became the main beneficiaries of British colonial rule, and they took advantage wherever possible in all spheres of life. By embracing the colonial education and culture they became trusted subjects in the eyes of the new rulers.5The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria, (p. 32) So, when British colonial rule ended, Britain handed most of the political power over to the majority Hindu population.

So, moving forward to our time, we see today a harsh Hindu party in government. Their Islamophobic policies have caused the Muslims of India tremendous harm, difficulty and tribulation. The most recent of those tribulations is the “Hijāb row” where young Muslim women, our sisters and daughters, studying at colleges, universities and schools in parts of India have been prohibited from wearing the hijāb (the Islamic dress code), they have been banned and even removed from classes, and are not allowed to attend unless they remove the headscarf.

Sadly, in reaction to this, people who do not have Shariah knowledge and do not know their religion as they are required to, and are ignorant of what will truly bring benefit and rectification, behaved in ways that contradict the Methodology of the Qurān and Sunnah, that ultimately leads to more harm upon the Muslims.

So, today we see the same as what occurred previously when hundreds of thousands of Muslims came out demonstrating in the streets of India a few years ago protesting over India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

Due to this, many Muslims ― ignorant of the Islamic method of rectification, hasty, angry and impatient ― came out marching in the streets. As a result, many Muslims were beaten, imprisoned and some even killed ― their businesses and homes were broken into and burned down. Stories emerged of Muslim men and women being dragged out of their homes and assaulted, girls sexually abused, and some Muslims being beaten to death. In these very difficult situations, Muslims must act upon knowledge and guidance and not follow their emotions or fiery speeches of deviated Muslims.

In recent weeks we have seen this new calamity unfolding, the banning of the Hijāb and headscarf in schools ― yet another hardship upon the Muslims of India. So, I advise the Muslims, and I advise my daughters and sisters in India to be patient and to study your Deen, be steadfast and firm upon the Sunnah and Salafiyyah.

These are difficult and trying times, you must not despair in your Lord, and you must not leave the Sunnah and the Methodology of the Salaf As-Sālih. In fact, in times of difficulty, you are to race towards the Sunnah and to seek nearness to Allah (the Glorified and Exalted) even more because that is where salvation lies ― this is where you will find success and rectification.

Look at the condition of the Muslims around the world where they are suffering under oppression ― especially in places like India. Look around you, at your religious environment, at the communities in the towns, cities and villages across India ― then, ask yourself, “How many of them are upon the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the Sahābah? How many of them are upon Tawhīd and the sole worship of Allah alone? How many of them know the Methodology of the Salaf of this great Ummah? How many of them practice it? How many of them are even praying five times a day?! And those who do pray, are they free from wearing amulets and charms, sitting at graves and visiting soothsayers? And do they even pray according to the Sunnah?

Our sisters have been prevented from entering these institutions of learning unless they remove their scarves and hijabs. But how many of those institutions are mixed-sex institutions of learning? In the reports, we see that Muslim girls are being banned from wearing the headscarf and removed from classrooms and lecture theatres where there are sitting next to and near teenage boys. So, why are these parents sending their children to institutions like that? There are more Muslims living in India than the population of Pakistan, and Pakistan has nearly 200 million Muslims, so imagine the Muslim population of India.

Why do our Muslim sisters and daughters need to go to government institutions, schools and colleges where there is free mixing between the sexes, and institutions run by people who harbour enmity towards Islam? They attend colleges and schools that are run by a harsh and uncompromising government. My advice is that you educate your daughters (and sons) at home, or through private tuition, or online, or in Islamic Sunnah schools that are free from innovation, shirk, grave veneration and the misguidance of the deviated sects. I know that this is not possible for everyone, but it should not be said that just because it is not possible for everyone, it should be done by no one!

Look at the vast Muslim population of India ― where are the schools of Ahlus-Sunnah? After hundreds of years of Muslim heritage in India, where are the Islamic schools that would suffice the whole Muslim community? You should not need to send your children to institutions where Islam is belittled and the Muslims are treated as third-class citizens. If you look at the various jama’āt (groups, sects and parties) in India, there are literally hundreds ascribing themselves to Islam and the Sunnah in India. It is such a huge and vast country, so where are the tens of thousands of schools truly upon the Sunnah and the way of the Sahābah?

Furthermore, Salafiyyah (the truth path of Ahlul-Hadeeth) is not alien to India, it has been there for centuries, so why is it being suppressed by the Muslim communities? Why are they not adopting it and supporting its rise? Why do these groups fight against the Salafi da’wah when they know full-well that it is the da’wah of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), the Sahābah and the Tābi’een?

Again, where are the Muslim primary schools? Where are the secondary schools? Where are the colleges and universities? I am not saying that there are not any at all, but there is clearly not sufficient capacity ― and many parents will not send their children to Muslim schools because they want a totally secular education for their offspring. Others live in communities where are no people of Sunnah, or they do not have the finances for Islamic schools (in which case, they should strive to educate them at home for those who are able).

While the communities and true callers to Allah strive and struggle, these astray sects and parties continue to gather and amass wealth for their own ambitions. And what do they provide as a solution to the masses? “Let’s march in the streets against the government.”

So they send them out to demonstrate in the streets and then what happens? More Muslims are beaten, arrested, imprisoned and killed, and the system doesn’t change because it is run by a harsh regime that is not at all sympathetic or friendly towards the Muslims, or concerned about their religious rights. Many are extremists and hate the idea of Islam thriving in India. The goal of many in positions of power is to strip the Muslims of their rights and deliberately make their lives difficult.

So what should the response of the Muslims be? To march in the streets? To encourage our daughters and sisters to scream at the Hindu teachers, students and police? No, this is not the way. This is not to say that our sisters and daughters should lack courage. Our Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) did not lack courage in the least, yet he never raised a sword against the pagans in Makkah. There was no one more courageous than Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), and then Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān and so on (radiyallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and they were present in Makkah. Yet they never raised their hands and swords against the idol-worshppers of Quraish who would beat, boycott and kill the Muslims. The sword was never lifted. Why? Because they understood two huge affairs. Firstly, they were in a state of weakness. Secondly, They were not ready. There were not a sufficient number of people with the strength of īmān that would bring them victory. The methodology of rectification in Islam revolves around the two mighty pillars of Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah (Purification of the religion from false beliefs and practices, and Cultivation upon the Quran and authentic Sunnah).

So, īmān had not taken root in the hearts of the people of Quraish (except for the few who believed and followed the truth) even though the Messenger of Allah (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) called them for thirteen years. Yet his da’wah did not fail in the least, and the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) did not despair ― he continued and strived. So Makkah did not come into the hands of the Muslims at that time. Then he migrated to Madinah. Thereafter, Makkah (and the Ka’bah) still did not come into Muslim control for the following eight years ― but he (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) was patient. He called them to Allah, gave them da’wah, invited the people to establish the Prayer, pay the Zakāh. He would invite them to know the Lord, the religion, the Names and Attributes of Allāh, the trial of the grave and the questioning, the Day of Resurrection, to learn about the Angels, the Books and the previous nations ― to know what will bring them success and salvation ― and to act in obedience to Allah and His Messenger.

This is what the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) called them to, and likewise, his Companions. Then two years before he (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) died, Allah opened up Makkah without a battle. He only made Hajj once, and that was after the conquest of Makkah. That’s why all the rites of Hajj are taken from that one Hajj of Allāh’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam). So, it was due to the patience of the believers and their striving. They never marched in the streets, waved placards, there was no chaos, screaming and disorder.

And these organizations in India, even those who claim that they are Ahlul-Hadeeth by name but are far from the Methodology of Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), have published YouTube videos and audio recordings inciting the Muslims of India to go out onto the streets, and this is their da’wah. Their baseless fatwas even reach those Muslims who love Tawheed and love to act upon the Sunnah ― so these Muslims (sadly) get confused. The heads of these organizations claim that it is allowed for men and women, and young people to march on the streets in demonstrations.

They want young women and young men to march on the streets, leading them to corruption and anarchic behaviour. Marches, demonstrations and street protests are not permitted in the legislation and the Shariah of Islam. They are not from the means of rectification in Islam. Imām Mālik (rahimahullāh) said, “The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by that which rectified its earliest part.” So did the early part of Islam involve marching and demonstrating? When Islam first came to Makkah, was there any demonstrating, even when the Muslims were being oppressed, boycotted and beaten? That’s why Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said that the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), the Companions and the Tābi’īn called people to Islām, those who were more sinful and greater in disbelief and idolatry than the ones that your misguided shaikh wants to call to Islam! Yet that first generation of Muslims did not leave the Path of the Qurān and Sunnah in desiring rectification of the Muslims.

So now, you find that these jam’iyyāt, parties and organizations want all the various groups to unite together. So the Deobandis, the Barelwis, the Sufīs, the “Jamiat Ahlehadith”, even the Shī’ah come together and march in the streets for the “common good” as they claim. And as soon as they’ve had their two weeks of protests, they’ve had their media limelight, moments of fame, and sufficient people have been arrested, beaten and killed, they’ll stop and go back to opposing each other, and dividing the Ummah further! Allah stated, “You would think they are united, but their hearts are divided.” (Qurān, 59:14)

That’s why they spend their nights and days just gathering people for themselves. They think there’s benefit for their various groups: “We will get our names on television and in the media, and we can get some political mileage out of this strife!”

So these sects, groups and parties call the people to come out and protest. They send the youth forward to shout carrying placards. They stand in front of the police ― who beat the Muslims with batons and sticks, and others come out and vandalise Muslim homes as they did during the citizenship protests, dragging Muslims out of their houses and humiliating them.

So what is the solution? The solution is to return back to the Book and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf. Begin with Tawheed, rectify yourselves, learn the correct ‘aqeedah and follow the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam). Yes, it is a long road. Whoever told you that this path of Islam, the path to Jannah and the path to success is easy, has been untruthful to you. Striving in the cause of Allah (the Most High) requires sincerity, effort, sacrifice, patience and knowledge. Most people don’t have the patience to even sit in a lesson of Tawheed, Sunnah and Salafiyyah! They would just prefer to read a tweet on current affairs, “Those 20 words are enough for me today. That’s my knowledge for the day.”

They don’t have the patience to sit and listen to a lesson for half an hour, or forty-five minutes, or an hour. They don’t have the patience to open up a book of Creed, Prophetic Methodology, Fiqh or Sunnah and learn the religion of Allah (subhānahu wa ta’āla) ― the leaders of misguidance know that (and prefer that), so they take full advantage of the ignorance of the people. Ignorance of the masses allows the leaders of misguidance to readily manipulate and exploit them.

You going out and marching on the streets amongst troublemakers and mischief-makers — that’s what the disbelievers want! They want an excuse to bring in more laws to restrict and harm the Muslims in India. The correct path is to hold firm to the religion of Allah, to be steadfast upon the Qurān and Sunnah, and the way of the Salaf, to learn the way of the Companions and study the biography of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), to look at the life of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) in Makkah and then his migration to Madinah ― to learn all this from trustworthy sources. Look at how he nurtured the Companions. What was their creed? Why didn’t they raise the sword and spear in Makkah? Why didn’t he (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) fight in Makkah?

Why was it that in the Madinan period, Allah revealed the rest of the laws of the Shariah such as the regulations of Zakah, Fasting, the Hudūd, Jihād and so on? So what was the focus in Makkah?

Makkah was the consolidation of the ‘aqeedah of Tawheed, warning against shirk and strengthening īmān. And indeed that did not stop even after the migration. But in Madinah, the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) became the leader and ruler of the people of Madinah, the Muhājiroon (the emigrants) and the Ansār (the people of Madinah who helped the emigrants). The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) was granted the Islamic state in Madinah. And Allah (the Most High) gave them victory after victory. Why did He (the Most High) give them victory? Was it due to their numbers? Their power and weaponry? There are today more than 200 million Muslims in India, so lack of numbers is not the issue in India. What’s the issue if it’s not numbers? It is knowledge of Tawheed and Sunnah, piety and action that is lacking; in a nutshell, Tasfiyah and Tarbiyah.

When the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) died, there were 114,000 Companions (radiyallāhu ‘anhum) ― and they spread the Da’wah and conquered the world from its east to its west, with Allah’s aid. And this victory lies in Tawheed and Sunnah. “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is best…” (Qurān, 16:125)

Where is that Manhaj in these lands? So my advice is: be patient my sisters, be patient my brothers, be patient Ahlus-Sunnah in India. As for those around you upon shirk and bid’ah, then invite them because they are your neighbours, and relatives, they are confused and don’t know any better. So teach them Tawheed, ‘Aqeedah Sunnah and Salafiyyah. Establish schools and centres of learning where you can give regular duroos (lessons) — and we do have, alhamdulillāh, a handful of true marākiz of Ahlus-Sunnah and Salafiyyah in India that are calling to the Right Path, and all praise is for Allah.

But they need to be expanded. Where are the Islamic schools upon the Sunnah? India is not new to Islam. Islam has been in India for over a thousand years. It was ruled by the Muslims, century upon century. Islam is not alien to them. So how do you now revive Islam in a land like that? With knowledge and good manners, call the people to Tawheed and the correct ‘Aqeedah. Establish mosques of Sunnah. As for many of those groupings and jamiats of Ahlel-hadeeth as they call themselves, that call the youth to march in the streets, and to busy themselves with politics, political parties and elections, then ignore them, avoid them and stay away from them because they are calling you to misguidance and ikhwāniyyah.

We call to what the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) called to. Success lies in returning back to the methodology of the Salaf. Allah’s humiliation ― as the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said ― will come down upon the Muslims when they are drowned in sin and they abandon the Sunnah, and He will not remove His humiliation up until they return back to the true Religion. He (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) never said, “Until you march and protest on the streets,” or “until you set up political and sectarianism parties and groups”, Allah’s refuge is sought! They have split up into hundreds of individual groupings, each rejoicing in its own party ― all of this is misguidance.

Our way is the Book, Sunnah and Sahābah (Companions), and the Salaf of this Ummah.

Where are the books of ‘aqeedah being taught by trustworthy Salafis? Spread them in India. In whichever language that they speak and there are numerous languages spoken across India. Translate them into those languages and spread them across India. English is a common language, Hindi is a common language ― spread those leaflets and booklets, or spread them as PDFs in digital format because all of the youth these days have got devices in their hands. Let them read something beneficial, rather than following social media. Send them a book or an article or audio on how to rectify the Ummah, on ‘Aqeedah, on the Prayer, on the Manhaj, send them a book on the hijāb, the ‘Aqeedah of the Rāziyayn, Kitāb at-Tawheed, etc.

And if this is made available to them and they ignore it, then we will ask, why aren’t they reading? Why aren’t they accepting? Why aren’t they absorbing knowledge? So when they do not rectify and act upon the truth, their affair and their plight will only get worse and more constricted for them in India. Don’t expect things to change up until you change. For indeed Allah does not change the state of a people up until they change what is within themselves. Change what is within yourself, then Allah will change your surroundings for the better.

What is upon you is to cling to the Sunnah, the way of the Companions, and the affair of townships around you is in the Hand of Allah, and Allah will give honour and might to the obedient believers. For this reason, the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah has placed humiliation and lowliness upon the one who opposes my commands.” So, do not march in the streets causing mayhem, shouting and waving placards, causing commotion, chanting, mixing with the opposite sex and mixing with these deviated groups: the grave worshipper, the Deobandi, the Jamiati, the Peace TV rabble, the followers of Al-Maududi, etc., all mixed together up until this is over or this phase is over. And they in unison oppose the Salafis claiming, “We were the ones who stood up and these Salafis didn’t stand with us. They didn’t oppose the oppression” No, this is not true. We stand up and our standing is by holding fast to the Book and the Sunnah.

وَٱعْتَصِمُوا۟ بِحَبْلِ ٱللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا۟ وَٱذْكُرُوا۟ نِعْمَتَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذْ كُنتُمْ أَعْدَآءً فَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُم بِنِعْمَتِهِۦٓ إِخْوَٰنًا

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favour of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favour, brothers…” (Qurān 3:103)

The Rope of Allah that we must cling to is the Qurān, Sunnah and the way of the Companions. That is what we call the people to, “and do not become divided.” Not that you are already divided and now you come together for these two weeks so that you can get your pictures in the newspapers, so the US and Europe will hear about it.

The reality is that they don’t care about you. When did Europe, the US, etc., ever care about India and the plight of the Muslims in India? When did Europe ever care about the plight of the Palestinian Muslims? Does Europe care about you? When did the Americans and Europeans help you? How many hundreds of thousands of Bosnian Muslims were massacred in the early 1990s, in the heart of Europe? How many hundreds and thousands have died in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you really think that by marching in the streets of India, you’re going to stir up sympathy in Europe? And if they feel a little uncomfortable, what will they do to India?

My Muslim brothers and sisters, you are looking outwards, instead, look to yourselves and look to Allah (the Most High) for He will rectify your affairs. Call upon Him and He will answer you, obey Him and He will aid you. Salvation is in the Deen of Allah (the Most Perfect, the Exalted), by clinging to the Qurān and Sunnah. Follow the way of the rightly guided caliphs, and follow their Sunnah ― in that lies success. And it will come with patience and steadfastness. Follow the path and methodology of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān, ‘Alī, Ibn ‘Abbās, Ibn ‘Umar, Abu Hurayrah and ‘Ā’ishah, the Sahābah (radiyallāhu ‘anhum), follow their Sunnah. For many people, the problem is that they do not know what the Sunnah is, they never learnt it because most people (sadly) just follow the events on their phones; diatribe fed to them by mainstream media. This destructive cultivation has never brought benefit to the suffering Muslims.

Do you want success? Follow the Book and Sunnah. Do you want to be given security, safety to practice your religion and honour as it was given to those who came before you? Follow the Book and Sunnah. Not upon bid’ah (innovations), not upon grave worship, not upon the gnostic Sufi paths, not upon imitating the kuffār (disbelievers), not upon following the corrupt methodologies of the unbelievers in politics. Read the Seerah (life history) of the Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and cling to it. Study the early books of ‘aqeedah: ‘Usool as-Sunnah of Imām Ahmad, Sharh as-Sunnah of Al-Barbahārī, Kitāb as-Sunnah of Abu Dāwūd. Study these and other books of old. Study the books of Ibn Taymiyyah. We read one statement from Ibn Taymiyyah: The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam), the Companions and the Tābi’een gave Da’wah to people who were more sinful and greater in disbelief and idolatry than the ones that your shaikh wants to give da’wah to, yet they did not resort to these innovated and deviated methods.

But the deviated sects ones want to use innovated means and methods to ”rectify”. We say to them: “You seek salvation, but you do not tread its path — verily a ship does not sail upon dry land.” When differing occurs between us, let the Book and Sunnah be our judge, upon the understanding of the Companions ― not your shaikhs from Deoband, not your shaikhs from Brelwiyyah or Naqshbandiyyah, not your shaikhs from Jamā’at at-Tableegh, and nor your shaikhs from the political so-called Ahl-e-hadees movements.

So, make your reference point the Book and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Companions and the early Salaf of the Ummah. Then the situation in India will change because Allah has promised it and Allah does not break His Promise. The promise of Allah is true.

This is my advice to my brothers and sisters in India. Don’t be reactionary. Rather, the more they oppress you, the more you must cling to your Religion, and learn your religion and the more you must practice it. The more that they drive you into restrictive measures, the more you must practice your religion. Isn’t this what we did in the UK when they placed huge restrictions and difficulties upon us? We practised our religion more and we learnt more, and the numbers increased, more people became Muslims, and the followers of Salafiyyah increased ― they cannot extinguish the Light of Allah, “It is He who sent His Messenger with the true Religion, and with guidance, so it may become manifest over all other religions, even if the unbelievers hate that.” To attain the help of Allah, we did not follow the ways of the Khawārij, or Ikhwān, or Sufīyyah. We stuck to the Straight Path, we held fast to our principles, and the da’wah grew and it continues to grow by the Grace and the Bounty of Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic.

So may Allah aid our brothers and sisters in India and all over the world where the Muslims are suffering and facing restrictions, oppression and hardships. Ameen.

May Allah bless you all.

(Adapted from a transcribed Q and A with Abu Khadeejah)


  • 1
    The Muslim conquest of India began in the 8th Century CE when the Arab general Muhammad Ibn Qāsim (695-715 CE) entered the Sindh region for the purpose of da’wah and expansion of the Umayyad rulership. So Islamic rule began in Sindh and Multan and then over the centuries expanded into the rest of India through various dynasties. However, it was later in the 12th century that Muslim rule dominated the Indian subcontinent. The last Muslim empire to rule India was that of the Mughals which lasted more than two hundred years from the 16th century onwards. (See The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria,(pp. 28-29)
  • 2
    “Few instances were known of conflicts between the Muslim rulers and their Hindu subjects. According to B. Prasad, this Muslim-Hindu peaceful co-existence had at its origin the military strength of the Mughal army as well as the religious toleration of the Mughal emperors. See The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria, (p. 29)
  • 3
    British rule truly began to take hold after the battle of Plassey in 1757 CE. After that, the colonisation of India spread across the subcontinent. “Plassey is a small town near Calcutta. It was in this place that the British under Clive defeated forces of Suraj-ud-Dowlah, Nawab of Bengal. This decisive battle resulted in the establishment of British rule in India.” J. Gardiner. The Penguin Dictionary of British History. London: Penguin Books, 2000:538.
  • 4
    On the 15th of August 1947, India ceased to exist as a British colony. In its place separate sovereign states were created, India and [East and West] Pakistan; and Kashmir as an undefined disputed region.
  • 5
    The Impact of British Rule on the Indian Muslim Community in the Nineteenth Century by Belmekki Belkacem, University of Oran, Algeria, (p. 32)

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