A Sister Afflicted By Magic Asks Shaikh Ubaid To Make Du’aa For Her

A question to our father, elder and scholar, Shaikh ‘Ubaid b. Abdillaah al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him):

Our Shaikh! May Allaah reward you! Here is a note from Kuwait. It states: A sister requests from the noble Shaikh, Ubaid al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) that “he supplicate for me, so that I be cured from Magic, and that Allaah grants me good health and well-being from all ailments – and that He establishes me firmly upon the Religion.”

The Noble Shaikh answered:

Firstly: My daughter, I advise you to have patience. Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) said to ‘Abdullaah b. Abbaas (radiyallaahu ‘anhumaa):

“Know that help comes with patient, and relief comes after distress, and after hardship there comes ease.”

This was reported by Ahmad and others, and there is a story that comes with this hadeeth.

And more potent than this is the statement of The True One, The Most Magnificent, The Most High:

“The one who fears Allaah and is dutiful to Him, Allaah will surely give him a way out of his hardships. And He will provide for him from where he never imagined.”

Indeed fearing Allaah and being dutiful to Him, and being aware of the fact that He watches you constantly, when you are not seen, or are seen and witnessed, in secret and in public – that this is from the means relief of the distresses, and a means of expansiveness after a state of feeling confined.

Secondly: Since you have asked me to supplicate, I say:

O Allaah! Cure her. O Allaah! cure her. O Allaah! Cure her.

I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you. I ask Allaah, the Most Generous and Bounteous, the Lord of the mighty Throne to cure you.

I am not one given to this affair all the time. However, since you have asked me, I do not like to refuse your request. And I advise you my daughter that you supplicate to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, you, for yourself in those times of excellence such as, between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah. Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) said:

“The supplication is not refused between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah.”

And likewise in the depth of the night – if you are in state of purification, then supplicate during the prayer and in particular, in your Sujood (prostrations). And if you do not happen to be pure from menstruation, then make ablution, an invigorating ablution, and then face the Qiblah and recite what is easy for you and supplicate until the onset of Fajr. And likewise supplicate when the rain is coming down.

May Allaah make you firm. May Allaah make you firm. May Allaah make you firm, and likewise ourselves, and those listening to this, with the Firm Word (i.e. laa ilaaha illallaah) in the life of this World and the Hereafter, upon Islaam and the Sunnah.

Source:  http://ar.miraath.net/fatwah/7395 – May Allaah reward the brothers at miraath.net


I have compiled a free downloadable leaflet that teaches one what to do and recite when one is sick. I will make that available on this blog soon, inshaa’Allaah. I have also compiled a leaflet on the method of curing or alleviating the effects of Magic here → Here