Shaikh Ubaid Al-Jaabiree speaks about the Paris attacks that took place Friday 13th November 2015

A police officer takes cover behind a car while a rescue worker runs outside the Bataclan theater in Paris, France, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed in a series of unprecedented attacks around Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)
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A police officer takes cover behind a car while a rescue worker runs outside the Bataclan theater in Paris, France, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed in a series of unprecedented attacks around Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)
A police officer takes cover behind a car while a rescue worker runs outside the Bataclan theatre in Paris, France, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed in a series of unprecedented attacks around Paris on Friday. French President Francois Hollande announced that he was closing the country’s borders and declaring a state of emergency. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)

The noble Scholar from the city of Madinah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Ubaid Al-Jābirī (hafidhahullāh) said:

“Regarding the recent incident that occurred in Paris, France:

  1. We have spoken about this many times before.
  2. The principle remains the same. All Salafis should free themselves from such heinous acts.
  3. These acts should be warned against in lessons, Friday sermons, social media outlets, newspapers and other forms of media.
  4. Over there in the United Kingdom you have Salafi Publications in Birmingham. They are experienced and fully aware on how to deal with these matters. They are from my students and are well versed on how to respond to such incidents.
  5. We must all reject and free ourselves from these acts.
  6. There is no need for repetition as these questions have been answered before and the affair is clear.

So that is the principle here, may Allah bless you, so apply it.

Today: 4.30pm (Mecca time) Saturday 14th November 2015 (2nd Safar 1437 AH)

Reported to me by Uwais at-Taweel (hafidhahullāh) @UwaisT

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