August 1996: Abu Aliyah and Suhaib Hasan – A New Agenda

narrow street with wet cobblestone footpath
In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

Salafi Da’wah in 1996: A First-Hand Personal Account.

Abu Aliyah Decides To Push A New Agenda To Re-Include Jimas Under Suhaib Hasan’s Leadership Of The Da’wah. 

Between August and December 1996, Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank, Amar Bashir, Abdur-Razzaaq as-San’aanee and myself had spoken several times with Abu Aliyah Surkhil regarding his stances towards the Salafi da’wah and their scholars. He progressively became antagonistic towards the Salafi Methodology, even showing bitterness towards the Salafi scholars. By 1997, he had isolated himself from most of the Salafis, retaining links with small pockets here and there such as Brixton Mosque. Abu Aliyah continued to remain a strong advocate of Dr. Suhaib Hasan and campaigned strongly for his cause. Here’s an early email of mine to Abu Aliyah (dated 13th August 1996) politely reminding him of his erroneous comments:

Polite letter to abu alliyah 1996


Abu Aliyah wanted to gather all the various groups together under the banner of Suhaib Hasan. Here is the intent of Abu Aliyah as I reminded him in an email:

Abu Aliyah wanting to unite everyone 1996-4

Meanwhile Suhaib Hasan had decided upon his path of appeasing the innovated groups such as Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon. Look at this conference flier, where Suhaib Hasan appears in the list of speakers alongside misguided individuals such a Rashid Ghanouchi:

Suhaib Hasan Conf with ahlul-bidah 96

I remember in early 1997, in my home in Birmingham, Shaikh Muhammad b. Haadee recorded an audio tape advising Suhaib Hasan to openly free himself from such people and groups who are upon misguidance, specifically focussing upon this conference flier. Also present was my good brother Abu Ubaidah Amar Bashir and Shaikh Abdus-Salaam Burjiss (rahimahullaah). Amar Bashir delivered the tape to Suhaib Hasan and advised him to take the advice of Shaikh Muhammad b. Haadee (hafidhahullaah), which he refused. Instead, he let off a tirade of abuse towards some of the Salafi sheikhs and the students of knowledge who dare question his authority and functions as a “scholar”. It is this same stubborn pride that has led him in recent times to be forcibly removed from the very Mosque he himself established in Leyton, East London nearly 20 years ago; ousted by his onetime most ardent supporters.