In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all creation, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his Companions.
رجل عنده أولاد وبنات، فقام بإعطاء الأولاد مبالغ وقطع أراضي وهبات دون أن يعطي البنات، هل يجوز له ذلك؟
A man has sons and daughters―so he decided to give his sons some wealth, parcels of land and other gifts but he did not give anything to his daughters. Is this allowed?
الجواب:الواجب على الوالد أن يعدل بين أولاده؛ الذكور والإناث، وهكذا الوالدة الأم يجب أن تعدل؛ لأن الرسول ﷺ قال: اتقوا الله واعدلوا بين أولادكم، هكذا قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: اتقوا الله واعدلوا بين أولادكم، فالواجب على الأب إذا أعطاهم أراضي أو نقود أو إبل أو غنم أو غير ذلك أن يعدل بين الذكور والإناث، للذكر مثل حظ الأنثيين كالإرث، فإذا أعطى الرجل مائة ريال يعطي البنت خمسين ريال، وإذا أعطى الولد عشرة آلاف يعطي البنت خمسة آلاف.. وهكذا، وإذا أعطى الولد غنم أو إبل أو بقر يعطي البنت مثل ذلك، النصف. نعم.
Answer: It is obligatory on the father to be just between his children, males and females―and likewise for the mother, she must be just. That is because the Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said: “Fear Allah and be just between your children.” (Abu Dawud, 3544) That is what Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, fear Allah be just and fair between your children. So it is obligatory on the father that if he gives land or money or camels or sheep etc., he must be just between his sons and daughters. To the male, a portion equal to that of two females just as what is due in the inheritance1. So if he gives his son 100 Riyals, then he must give his daughter 50 Riyals. If he gives his son 10,000 Riyals, then he must give his daughter 5,000 Riyals and so on. If he gives his son some sheep or camels or cows, then he must also give to his daughter, half of that.
Answer by Shaikh Ibn Bāz, Nūr ‘alad-Darb.
1. Allah, the Most High, said: “Allah commands you as regards your children’s (inheritance): for the male, a portion equal to that of two females…” (An-Nisā: 4)
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