- The Caution of the Hadeeth Scholars in Narrating from Ahlul-Bid’ah
Imaam Muslim states in his Saheeh under the Chapter: The obligation of reporting from the Trustworthy Narrators:
Muhammad bin Seereen (d. 110H, rahimahullaah) said:
“They did not used to ask about the chains of narration, but when the fitnah occurred, they (the collectors of hadeeth) would say: Name us your men! So they would look to ahlus-Sunnah and accept their hadeeth, and they would look to ahlul-Bid’ah and reject their hadeeth.” (no. 27)
Muhammad bin Seereen said:
“Indeed this knowledge in Religion, so look from whom you take your Religion.” (no. 26)
Note that Imaam Muslim (rahimahullaah) brought this narration under the chapter of taking from those who are trustworthy.
Abdullaah bin al-Mubaarak (d. 181H) said:
“Stay away from the hadeeth ‘Amr bin Thaabit for he used to abuse the Salaf.” (no. 32)
Meaning he used to curse the Sahaabah and those who take from them.
It was narrated that Mis’ar said:
Jaabir bin Yazeed narrated to us, but that was before he innovated [into the Religion] that which he innovated. (no. 52)
- The Scholars of the Salaf would withhold from narrating from those who call to innovation:
Nu’aim bin Hammaad (d. 239H):
“I heard Mu’aadh bin Mu’aadh raising his voice in the Masjid of Basrah. He was saying to Yahyah al-Qattaan: Do you not fear Allaah?! You narrate from ‘Amr bin ‘Ubaid? I have heard him saying: If this [Soorah], “Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he..” (Soorah al-Masad) was in the Preserved Tablet, then it is still not for Allaah a proof upon the servants.” (Meezaan al-I’tidaal 3/276)
Ibn ‘Iliyyah said:
“The first person to speak with the bid’ah of al-I’tizaal was Waasil al-Ghazaal – and ‘Amr bin ‘Ubaid joined him in that and became amazed with him – so he married his sister to him. He said to her: I have married you to a man who is worthy of being the Caliph.” (Meezaan al-I’tidaal 3/275)
Both Waasil Ibn ‘Ataa (al-Ghazaal) and ‘Amr Ibn ‘Ubaid were the architects of the Mu’atazilah sect.
The Salaf would make a distinction between the one who called to his bid’ah and the one who did not. Nu’aym bin Hammaad (d. 239H) said:
“Abdullaah bin al-Mubaarak (d. 181H) was asked: Why do you narrate from Sa’eed and Hishaam ad-Dastawaa’ee whilst you abandoned the hadeeth of ‘Amr bin ‘Ubaid, yet they all share the same view [in innovation]? He replied: “Amr bin ‘Ubaid used to invite others to his views, he made apparent his da’wah, whilst the other two would remain silent.” (Mizaan al-I’tidaal 3/275)
‘Ubaidullaah b. Mu’aadh narrated that his father heard ‘Amr b. ‘Ubaid say – after mentioning the hadeeth of “As-Saadiq wal-Masdooq”, wherein the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) mentioned the stage of the foetus and the soul being blown into it and the four matters of decree being written – that:
“If I had heard al-A’mash state this hadeeth, I would have declared him a liar! If I heard it from Zaid b. Wahb, I would not have believed him. If I had heard Ibn Mas’ood (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) say it, I would not have accepted it! If I had heard Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) say it, I would have rebutted it. And if I had heard Allaah say it, I would have said: It was not upon this basis that you took the covenant from us!” (Mizaan al-I’tidaal 3/278)
The Mu’atizah held the views of the Qadariyyah in the denial of the pre-Decree (the Qadaa and Qadr of Allah).