
Those Who Criticise The People Of Sunnah Due To Mistakes In Arabic Grammar Whilst They Themselves Are Upon Falsehood

Those Who Criticise The People Of Sunnah Due To Mistakes In Arabic Grammar Whilst They Themselves Are Upon Falsehood Al-Imaam Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn ‘Alee Ibn Thaabit, well-known as al-Khateeb [read on…]

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Imaam Ahmad: The Sinners Of Ahlus-Sunnah Are The Friends Of Allaah; The Worshippers of Ahlul-Bid’ah are the Enemies of Allaah

The Sinners Of Ahlus-Sunnah Are The Friends Of Allaah Whilst The Pious Ascetics Of Ahlul-Bid’ah Are The Enemies Of Allaah قال أحمد بن حنبل رحمه الله: قبور أهل السنة من أهل الكبائر روضة , [read on…]


Who came with the Innovation (Bid’ah) that the Qur’an is Created and where did they get this Belief from? The link between Jahm bin Safwān and the Magician who played Magic on the Messenger ﷺ.

A Brief Historical Look at Who First Spoke with the Innovation that the Speech of Allah is Created None of the Companions (radiyallāhu ‘anhum) narrated anything in this affair, and [read on…]