Hammaad Ibn Zaid (d. 179H) On Those Who Do Not Affirm The Attributes Of Allaah

Hammaad Ibn Zaid (d. 179H) On Those Who Do Not Affirm The Attributes Of Allaah!

Abu Hafs Ibn Shaaheen (d. 385H, rahimahullaah):

Abdullaah ibn Sulaimaan ibn Ash’ath as-Sijistaanee narrated to us: My father narrated to me from Sulaimaan ibn Harb, who said: Hammaad ibn Zaid said:

“The likeness of the Jahmiyyah is like a man to whom it is said: ‘Do you have a date palm tree in your grounds?’ So he says: ‘Yes.’ Then it is said to him: ‘Does it have fresh green branches?’ He responds: ‘No.’ Then it is said to him: ‘Does it have dried up branches?’ He reponds: ‘No.’ Then it is said to him: ‘Does it have low or fallen branches on the ground?’ He reponds: ‘No.’ Then it is said to him: ‘Does it have a trunk?’ He responds: ‘No.’ Then it is said to him: ‘Does it have roots?’ He responds: ‘No.’ So it is said to him: ‘You have no date palm tree in your grounds!‘ It is said to the Jahmiyyah: ‘Do you have a Lord?’ They say: ‘Yes.’ Then it is said to them: ‘Does He speak?’ They respond: ‘No.’ Then it is said to them: ‘Does He have a Hand?’ They respond: ‘No.’ Then it is said to them: ‘Does He have a foot?’ They respond: ‘No.’ Then it is said to them: ‘Does He have a finger?’ They respond: ‘No.’ Then it is said to them: ‘Does He become pleased and does He get Angry?’ They respond: ‘No.’ So it is said to them: ‘You have no Lord!‘”

Al-Kitaab al-Lateef li-Sharh Madhahib Ahlus-Sunnah, no. 35. The narration is saheeh, reported by Abdullaah ibn Ahmad in as-Sunnah, 9,10 and others.

The Asha’rees of today are in reality upon the belief of the Jahmiyyah, they negate that Allaah speaks with a voice, they negate that He has a real Hands, Fingers and Feet that befit His Majesty.