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    Islamic Studies ‘Advanced Level’ Online Course for Men and Women (16+)


    1. The Course

    Cambridge International AS and A Level Islamic Studies (9488). This is an internationally recognised course and qualification. 

    If you’ve always wanted to study Islam formally in a structured manner (in English), then this is the ideal course for you, male or female. You do not have to do the exam at the end of the two years, but if you do, it is a University of Cambridge Advanced Level Examination recognised by every college and university worldwide. Furthermore, this course is adapted and taught by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah in light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah, and the understanding of the early Muslim scholars (Salaf).

    It is unique with no equivalent in the English language that we know of. Shaikh Abu Khadeejah has prepared thousands of pages of study materials to which you will have access.

    These are interactive online video/audio classes conducted via the Google Classroom platform. The lesson style is personal and friendly, and there is plenty of opportunity to ask and answer questions.

    Question: Can students enrol on Cambridge A-Level Islamic Studies course at any time throughout the year?

    Answer: We have decided that whoever wishes to join us can do so at any time between September and December of each academic year. We have designed each week as a stand-alone lesson which means that previous knowledge is not essential (though it may be helpful). This course is open to men and women, and the fees are reasonable considering the extensive content and bespoke study notes.

    2. When Can I Begin?

    When can I register? Any time through the year (with 3 months payment).
    Course start date: September to December of each year.
    Payment: Every 3 months in advance until course completion (2 academic years) or for the whole year in advance.

    The A-Level course consists of four Shariah headings referred to by the Cambridge University Board as Papers because each one refers to an exam paper that is normally taken by students at the end of the two-year course.

    Our students are not required to take the exam if they choose not to. However, if you sit the A-Level exam, the awarding body is the Cambridge University Exam Board. So, each Paper of the four Papers covers dozens of subjects and topics spanning hundreds of pages of study notes, and hundreds of hours of video lectures and recordings. Each year, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah teaches two of the four Papers, and he has arranged the subjects in such a manner that he can take on a new cohort of students every September for a period of two years, and they will complete all four Papers and every topic in that time, inshā’-Allāh.

    So, in Year 1, he ordinarily teaches Papers 1 and 2, and in Year 2, he teaches Papers 3 and 4. So, it does not matter which year you join ― as long as you stay the full two years you will have completed all four Papers. Furthermore, even if you do not sit the exam, but have completed 80% of the homework, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah will issue you a certificate of completion and success as long as you are a person of Sunnah and can provide a Salafi character reference.

    This 2-hour class takes place every Tuesday between 1 pm and 3 pm (UK time). There will be 36 of these lessons per annum over three terms, broadly following British and US school term times. That means vacations throughout the year (including ʿEids). Course duration is two years beginning in the second week of September every year.

    3. Course Lecturer

    Shaikh Abu Khadeejah (Waheed Alam), BEng, Hons, PGCE.

    “A little about myself that you may not know—I am a teacher, father, and grandfather. I care about the Islamic education of our young men and women. I am a graduate and a qualified teacher with over 25 years of experience in teaching Islam. I wish the best for you, so I expect my students to pay attention, work hard and be sincere in seeking knowledge.”

    Furthermore, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah has been recommended and praised by numerous major Scholars such as Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Hādī (rahimahullāh), Shaikh Abdullāh al-Ghudayān (rahimahullāh), Shaikh Rabeeʿ Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhali, and Shaikh ʿUbayd Al-Jābirī (rahimahullāh).

    4. Course Name

    Cambridge International A-Level Islamic Studies (9488). This is an internationally recognised qualification (for whoever passes the exams). A good grasp of English is a requirement for this course.

    5. Duration

    Two academic years—two hours per week, loosely following the UK schools’ term timetable. A month is considered as eight hours of learning. Lessons are conducted each Tuesday from 1 pm to 3 pm (UK time) (inshā-Allāh).

    6. Previous Knowledge

    Previous knowledge of Islam is not a requirement to join this course (as stated by Cambridge International in their syllabus). Please download and read the complete syllabus here:

    7. Course Certification and International Recognition

    “UK NARIC, the national agency in the UK for the recognition and comparison of international qualifications and skills, has carried out an independent benchmarking study of Cambridge International AS & A Level and found it to be comparable to the standard of AS & A Level in the UK. This means students can be confident that their Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications are accepted as equivalent, grade for grade, to UK AS & A Levels by leading universities worldwide.” (Source: Cambridge International Islamic Studies course syllabus. ‘We think the Cambridge curriculum is superb preparation for university.’ p. 2, Duke University, USA.)

    8. Method of Teaching

    Live interactive online video/audio classes with Shaikh Abu Khadeejah in a classroom format. Conducted via Google Classroom. The only person who can be seen is Shaikh Abu Khadeejah – the lesson style is very personal and friendly, and there is plenty of opportunity to ask and answer questions.

    9. Stay in Touch

    You can stay in touch with Shaikh Abu Khadeejah via WhatsApp, and we’ve set up a dedicated Telegram group for all those registered for the A-Level Islamic Studies course so you can communicate with us, ask questions, seek clarification, interact with other students, and share notes!

    10. Syllabus Overview

    The Islamic Studies syllabus enables learners to gain a better understanding of the religious writings, history, and current affairs of Islam. As a result, they are able to think and argue intelligently about the subject. 

    The syllabus is broad and ranges from the beginnings of Islam to the variety of beliefs and practices of Islam and the basis of Islamic law. Learners develop knowledge about aspects of the rich Islamic heritage and reflect on the role played by Islam today. (See Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2022)

    11. Overview of the Four Papers that you will be Studying (inshā’-Allāh)

    We intend to teach this course from the perspective of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah (The People of Sunnah and the Main Body, i.e., those who follow the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and cling to the path of his noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them) following in that the methodology and traditions of the early Ahlul-Ḥadīth scholars: The People of Ḥadīth adhere to the narrations authentically reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions―and regard that to be more important than the individual opinions of those who came in later times. We intend to take nothing for granted―every aspect of the syllabus will be studied critically. Students will be taught to analyse texts, theories and assumptions of various Islamic orientations and compare them to the Creed, Methodology and Fiqh (Jurisprudence) of the early scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah, Ahlul-Ḥadīth and the Salaf As-Ṣālih (The Righteous Predecessors are the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the three generations of Muslims who came after them) ―then draw conclusions and formulate views.

    We will be teaching these subjects in a format that will enable students to pass the A-Level Islamic Studies (inshā’-Allāh). This is an A-Level course and therefore requires students to read around topics and not just rely on the two hours a week from the lessons. Having said that, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah will teach the students well (inshā’-Allāh), explain things thoroughly, interact with them, and answer their questions.

    12. Shaikh Abu Khadeejah’s Teaching Approach

    Shaikh Abu Khadeejah’s teaching approach is friendly and informal because that is more engaging (especially for younger people), nevertheless, the body of knowledge that he’ll be covering over these two years will build a solid foundation of Islām for the rest of their lives (inshā’-Allāh)!

    Note that Shaikh Abu Khadeejah is a lecturer and facilitator—so, effort and hard work will have to come from you. If you have a very busy life and schedule and cannot spare about two hours each week independently researching, reading, and listening, you need to reconsider before you enrol. Having said that, if you just want to learn and benefit without taking exams at the end of the two years, you are welcome to join us!

    13. Exam Entry

    Candidates will be responsible for submitting entries for exams at the relevant exam centres locally or internationally. You should research whether you are able to reach an examination centre before enrolling on this course. Visit:

    If you’re still interested in studying and taking the exam, then please read the Cambridge Islamic Studies Syllabus thoroughly as this course will require commitment.

    14. Course fees

    The fee will be £40 GBP per week per student (based on two hours of direct learning each week), to be paid 3 months in advance—discounts will be offered for those who pay in advance. You can pay by Debit Card from anywhere in the world or by PayPal.

    You will need to send the 3-monthly payments at least 7 days before the first lesson for each 3-month period. You will be notified when the payment is due. Any delay in payment will result in denial of access to the classes.

    You will not be reinstated into the class until the full monthly payment is received, even if this results in you missing some lessons.

    Payments are taken every three months or once a year (as you prefer):

    Three months covering 12 lessons: GB Pounds £420 (discount included)
    For the whole year covering 36 lessons: GB Pounds £1260 (discount included)

    You can also pay in US Dollars:
    For 12 lessons (3 months): $545 (discount included)
    For 36 lessons (12 months): $1640 (discount included)

    See below for how to pay.

    IMPORTANT: Please add the student’s name alongside your payment—that allows us to track the source of all payments. Email us a screenshot (or by WhatsApp) once you have made the payment as confirmation that it has been received from our side. Please remember that there are no refunds offered once you’ve enrolled and paid. So, make sure this course is for you! May Allah bless you.

    You can leave the course at any time you choose without penalty (or hard feelings) but let us know at least one week before the next payment is due. Once the fee is paid, no refund will be given, so it would be advisable to complete the lessons for that period.

    If you are unwell, busy at work or on holiday, the fees will not be refunded, nor carried over into the next month or months. We will expect students to catch up on any missed work—all the classes are recorded so you can catch up and revise anytime.

    You will not be charged during term or half-term holidays or for teacher absences. So, you only pay for the actual lessons.

    Please remember throughout, this is A Level, so students must take their studies seriously, it requires commitment.

    15. Online Classroom: How it Works

    1. You will need a Gmail (Google email) account. Once you’ve set it up, please email us from the Gmail account, with your full name. Please choose a username that is simple such as an actual name or a kunyah, e.g., ‘abdullah.jones’, ‘abu.zainab’, ‘umm.taalibah1999’, etc. This makes it easy for us to recognise individual students.

    Our email is:  

    2. Your assignments will be submitted via “Google Docs” which you’ll have access to through your Gmail account.

    3. Lesson Format: We intend to use “Google Classroom” to conduct the classes. Please take time to familiarise yourselves with both. Don’t worry too much if you cannot grasp it immediately, we will help you along.

    4. You will need to have regular access to a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer for use in lessons and for submitting assignments. Smartphones will not be sufficient.

    5. A-level students are adults and used to studying. So, please attend on time, pay attention to the class, and take notes or make mind-maps. This will form the backbone of your work.

    6. We will compile helpful class notes/study articles (PDF format) that will aid you in learning the relevant topics that will ensure you’ll pass the final exam at the end of the two academic years, inshā’-Allāh. All the classes will be recorded for you to revise or catch up in case you miss lessons.

    Please make sure that you store all your A-level material in a single easily accessible folder. By the end of the two years, you will have a lot of material, inshā’-Allāh.

    16. Application Form and Fee Payment

    If you are interested, please read this detailed PDF carefully, complete the form and return it via the email provided in the document:

    📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form → HERE

    After filling in the Application (Agreement) Form, follow the payment links in point 17 below.

    Follow this link for official information:

    Allah bless you.

    17. Methods of Payment

    Please pay straight after submitting the Application (Agreement) Form otherwise you will not be enrolled in the course.

    GP Pounds: £420 for 3 months (12 lessons) or £1260 for the year (36 lessons).

    US Dollars: $545 for 3 months (12 lessons) or $1640 for the year (36 lessons).

    💳 CARD PAYMENTS: Follow this link to our Revolut Bank:

    ➡️ Please add the student’s name and ‘AL’ when paying.

    💷 If you have a UK BANK ACCOUNT, pay by bank transfer:

    Beneficiary: ALAMAK LIMITED
    Account number: 96794615
    Sort code: 04-00-75

    ➡️ Please add the student’s name and ‘AL’ when paying.

    💳 By PAYPAL: Follow this link:

    ➡️ Please add the student’s name and ‘AL’ when paying.

    Please Email us once payment has been made.

    All Queries:

    18. Conclusion

    Once again, we welcome you to these A-level courses. Please download and read the complete syllabus here:

    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Admin at ALAMAK Limited
    Registered company: ALAMAK Limited, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ

    19. A Question from a Prospective Student

    I am interested in this course but I want to know whether it’s worth it. What is the difference between taking this course and one who reads the free Islamic material on Shaikh Abu Khadeejah’s website, or other Islamic books recommended by the Shaikh that can be purchased from a bookstore?


    In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

    Yes, it is possible. However, it is like buying an A-level book in biology and reading it at home without attending college and without a teacher—or picking up Buloogh Al-Marām of Ibn Hajr and reading it from cover to cover to learn Islamic Fiqh. No doubt, you will benefit but it is undirected study—and when you do not have a class that you know you must attend weekly, most people lose the enthusiasm, and leave their A-Level biology book (or Buloogh al-Marām) unread except for a few chapters. Furthermore, a qualified teacher can explain things that are not apparent in the direct reading of the text—things that require extensive reading and understanding from other source materials.

    Additionally, as it relates to A-Level Islamic Studies (Cambridge), there is no published study guide, so Abu Khadeejah has produced his own study notes specifically for his students that are not available elsewhere.

    The students who attend the lessons know that they have to get through a lot of material in just two hours of direct learning a week, and then they are given homework that is marked, so they are encouraged to solidify their understanding and memory of the subject. 

    The lessons are delivered via live video classes, the audio are recorded and PDF study notes are delivered to the students through the Google Classrooms portal.

    So, as you can see, studying in a classroom environment for just two hours a week is far more beneficial than trying to study alone without guidance. Also, knowing you have paid for the course gives you a further incentive to attend! And guidance and success are with Allah, the Most Kind and Generous.

    May Allah bless you.

    20. A-Level Course Overview Image Gallery

    Course for Boys (9+) and Teenagers

    1. Weekend Islamic Studies Course for Boys Aged 9+ (iGCSE format)

    This course is quite a lot easier than the adult A-Level course. Online Islamic Studies course for males (boys) age 9+. Weekend class with Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdul-Wāhid. Ideal for those busy with school or work.

    Days: Every Saturday, inshā’-Allāh, and you can enrol at any time.
    Time: 12 pm to 1 pm (UK time), please adjust to your local time.
    The first 3-month payment should be made immediately upon application.
    The fee: £150 (GBP) for three months per student (based on 4 hours per month), to be paid in advance. If you enrol siblings, this cost comes down to just £120 per student!

    Please add the student’s name as the reference and the code ‘9Plus’. Future payments should be made at least 7 days before each three-month session begins.
    🚦 Note that the subject matter is topical in places according to our times.

    Course Lecturer

    Shaikh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid A lecturer in Islamic Studies, and qualified teacher.

    Join Our Tarbiyah Course For Boys For 1-Hour Every Saturday: Living as a Muslim in Today’s World.

    This course has been designed for youth to develop their knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts through a range of key topics in light of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

    These lessons enable students to develop skills of analysis, research and interpretation. With these skills, they can face the challenges that affect Islam, and the lives of Muslims today.

    There’ll be time to ask Abu Khadeejah questions during and after each lesson―and they’ll be set homework each week, and if they submit it, it’ll be marked, inshā’-Allāh.

    This course is ideal for youth (and boys) aged 9 to 17 years old.

    Students are accepted from all over the world and can enrol at any time. Whenever you step in, you’ll benefit, inshā’-Allāh.

    The course also serves as an excellent foundation for those who wish to pursue the International GCSE certificate or Advanced Level Islamic Studies course with Abu Khadeejah in the future, inshā’-Allāh.

    The course content has been created by Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdul-Wāhid, and includes hundreds of pages of study notes with new content being added weekly—all praise is for Allāh, and may Allāh bless it.

    This 60-minute class takes place every Saturday between 12 pm and 1 pm (UK time) to benefit those busy at school or college during the week. There will be 36 lessons per annum with three terms, broadly following British and US school term times – that means breaks through the year (including ʿEids). Course duration is three years BUT you can start and finish, join and re-join at any time. Lessons are prepared as “stand-alone” so you can enrol and join anytime and still understand the subject.

    The cost is GBP £12.50 per student per lesson. This includes homework for those who choose to do it (it is not mandatory).

    Payments are taken every three months or once a year:

    Three months (covering 12 lessons): GB Pounds £150
    For the whole year (covering 36 lessons): GB Pounds £450

    You can also pay in US Dollars:
    For 12 lessons (3 months): $195
    For 36 lessons (12 months): $585

    See below for how to pay.

    Course Duration

    The course will be delivered as a 1-hour per week lesson, with holidays as arranged by Abu Khadeejah. This 1-hour class will take place on Saturdays from 12 pm to 1 pm BST, UK time. The time of the lesson has been set to suit as many time zones as possible.

    Many of you may be wondering what topics will be covered during the course. Below is a small glimpse of some of the 200+ topics that will be covered, inshā’-Allāh:

    • Personal aspects of the Prophet’s (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam) life
    • The Revelation of the Qur’an
    • The Prophethood of Muhammad (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam)
    • Opposition and Hijrah
    • The Sunnah of the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam)
    • Teachings and fine examples of the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam) on specific issues of justice and equality
    • The Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam) as leader
    • Battles fought by the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam)
    • The Prophet’s (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam) final acts and his achievements
    • Introduction to Islamic teachings
    • Allah, the One worthy of worship (Tawheed)
    • The Risālah (Message)
    • Belief in the Messengers
    • Belief in the Revealed Books
    • Belief in the Pre-Decree: Life is a Test
    • Belief in the Angels
    • Belief in the Last Day & Hereafter
    • Names and Attributes of Allah
    • The Shariah
    • Sunni and Shiʿah Islam
    • Purpose of Life and Justice
    • The Rights of the Parents
    • The Correct Hijab
    • Following fashion and hairstyles
    • Stories of the Companions
    • Halāl and Harām
    • The Dangers of social media
    • Patient and forebearance
    • Poverty and Islam’s answer
    • The Islamic world and governance
    • The Rightly Guided Caliphs
    • Wudoo and Prayer
    • Rites of Hajj
    • Fasting in Ramadan
    • Zakat in Islam
    • Poverty in poor countries: pre-decree and climate
    • Seerah of the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam)
    • The Ansar and the Muhājiroon
    • The wives of the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam)
    • Leadership in Islam
    • Muslim youth in Islam
    • What is sin and how to avoid it
    • Repentance and seeking forgiveness
    • The conditions of the Shahadah
    • Paradise and Hell

    1. Students will need a Gmail (Google email) account. Once you’ve set it up, please email from the Gmail account with your full name.

    2. Lesson Format: We will use “Google Meet” and “Google Classroom” to conduct the classes. Please take time to familiarise yourselves with both. Don’t worry too much if you cannot grasp it immediately, we will help you along.

    3. Assignments (if you choose to do them) will be submitted via Google Classroom.

    4. Students will need to have regular access to a laptop or desktop computer for use in lessons and for submitting assignments. Students must be in a quiet space free from distractions.

    5. Students will be able to communicate with Abu Khadeejah and ask questions relevant to the class during and after the lesson (within an allotted time). Students will also have access to Abu Khadeejah via WhatsApp and a Telegram group for occasional questions and clarifications (inshā’-Allāh). Parents of students are welcome to access and view these conversations.

    6. All lessons will be conducted in English, so Arabic is not a requirement.

    7. The first 3-month payment should be made immediately upon applying. Subsequent payments should be made at least 7-days before each three-month session begins. You will be notified when the payment is due. Any delay in payment may result in denial of access to the classes. You will not be charged for holidays or tutor absences. If Abu Khadeejah is travelling or occupied, he will re-arrange the class day/time to one that is still over the weekend (Saturday/Sunday), inshā’-Allāh.

    8. The fee is £150 (GBP) for three months per student (covering 12 lessons), to be paid in advance. Or GBP £450 per annum (covering 33 lessons). Please add the student’s name as the reference (e.g., Abdullah Harris) alongside your payment—that allows us to track the source of all payments. You can save your payment receipts directly when you pay, so will not require a separate receipt from us. We accept payments from all over the world. Note there are no refunds for student absences, but students can leave the course at any time—so if you decide to leave, it makes sense to leave at the end of three months to make the most of your paid course because there will be no refunds once payment is made.

    [1] Note: Timings may be altered at the lecturer’s discretion with one month’s notice. Note that a class may be cancelled with 24-hour notice (and less in cases of emergency) without any cost to pupils—and the lesson made up over subsequent weeks. You will not be charged for lessons that are not delivered.

    2. Application Form: Islamic Studies for Males 9+

    📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form → HERE and then follow the payment links below in section 3.

    3. Payment Links: Boys Tarbiyah 9+ Course

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you type the name of the student, and the name of the course when sending payment (to avoid delays and confusion).

    Please pay straight after submitting the Agreement Form otherwise you will not be enrolled on the course.

    GP Pounds: £150 for 3 months (12 lessons) or £450 for the year (36 lessons).
    US Dollars: $195 for 3 months (12 lessons) or $585 for the year (36 lessons).

    💳 CARD PAYMENTS: Follow this link to our Revolut Bank:

    ➡️ Please add the name of the student and ‘9B’ when paying.

    💷 If you have a UK BANK ACCOUNT, pay by bank transfer:

    Beneficiary: ALAMAK LIMITED
    Account number: 96794615
    Sort code: 04-00-75

    ➡️ Please add the name of the student and 9B when paying.

    💳 By PAYPAL: Follow this link:

    ➡️ Please add the name of the student and 9B when paying.

    Please Email us once payment has been made.

    All Queries:

    Islamic Studies For Female Learners

    Discover Islam: Join Our Global Community of Female Learners Today!

    To enrol, please visit: Women’s Islamic Studies Website




    والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
    سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

    Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid.
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