Is it allowed to wear the Ihram garments before reaching the Meeqāt and before vocalising the Niyyah for Ihram? Shaikh Rabee’ Ibn Hadi al-Madkhali

Question: Is it allowed to wear the Ihram garments before reaching the Meeqāt and before vocalising the niyyah for Ihram?

Answer: Yes – you should take a bath (ghusl) and put on your Ihrām garments before you reach the Meeqāt if you travel from Madinah or from any other place [before reaching your specified Meeqāt]. However, the utterance of the intention, “Labbayk Allāhumma ʿUmrah” or “Labbayka Allāhumma Hajjah” according to one’s intention is not made except at the specified Meeqāt, from Ābār ʿAli at Dhul-Hulaifah [for those leaving out from Madinah]. The intention is to be vocalised and so you say, “Labbayka Allāhumma ʿUmrah” with the heart and with the tongue at Ābār ʿAli, which is the Meeqāt [for those leaving from Madinah to Makkah for Pilgrimage].

Ref: Majmooʿ Kutub was Rasā’il wa Fatāwā Fadeelah ash-Shaikh al-ʿAllāmah Rabeeʿ Ibn Hādi ʿUmayr al-Madkhali, 15/355.

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