Know anyone who is Depressed, has Moodswings or is Feeling Down? Is there an Alternative to Anti-depressants and Drugs? Read about Higher Dose Vitamin Therapy and Good Food

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

Imām Adh-Dhahabi (died 748 AH, rahimahullāh) stated:

“It is compulsory upon every Muslim to seek nearness to Allāh, the Most High, by way of every means he is able to muster. He must exert himself in fulfilling the commands and the acts of obedience to Allaah. And after the affair of fulfilling the commands and keeping away from the forbidden matters, the most beneficial means and most successful path of nearness to Allaah for a person is to maintain good health and treat his illnesses. That is because good health is something that one seeks in the legislated supplications and acts of worship.” (At-Tibb an-Nabawiyy, p.18)

Click to watch Dr Andrew Saul speaking about Depression and Cures that work without causing harm.

Niacin: The Real Story and Helping with Depression

by Abram Hoffer, Andrew W. Saul, and Harold D. Foster

The United States Patent Office delayed issuing a patent on the Wright brothers’ airplane for five years because it broke accepted scientific principles. This is actually true. And so is this: Vitamin B-3, niacin, is scientifically proven to be effective against psychosis, and yet the medical profession has delayed endorsing it. Not for five years, but for fifty.

In 1952, Abram Hoffer, PhD, MD, had just completed his psychiatry residency. What’s more, he had proven, with the very first double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in the history of psychiatry, that vitamin B-3 could cure schizophrenia. You would think that psychiatrists everywhere would have beaten down a path to Saskatchewan to replicate the findings of this young Director of Psychiatric Research.

You’d think so. But no.

For everyone “knows” that vitamins do not cure “real” diseases, right?

Dr. Hoffer consistently said otherwise. His central point has been this: Illness, including mental illness, is not caused by drug deficiency. But much illness, especially mental illness, may be seen to be caused by a vitamin dependency. This makes sense, and has stood up to clinical trial again and again. If you do not believe this, Niacin: The Real Story will provide you with the references to prove it. And remember that it was Dr. Hoffer who started off those clinical studies in the first place. In 1952.
But the truth will out eventually. Here is an example of how niacin can really help: One patient, a bona fide, properly-diagnosed, utterly-incurable, State-hospitalized schizophrenic patient, would not see niacin work in the hospital, of course. No, the patient was a fellow whose parents were desperate enough try anything, even nutrition. Perhaps this was because their son was so unmanageably violent that he was kicked out of the asylum and sent to live with them. On a good day, his Mom and Dad somehow got him to take 3,000 milligrams of niacin and 10,000 mg of vitamin C. Formally a hyperactive insomniac, he responded by sleeping for 18 hours the first night and becoming surprisingly normal within days. It was an astounding improvement.

Another one of niacin’s properties is its ability to reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Dr. Hoffer explains: “Niacin is the best substance for elevating high density lipoprotein cholesterol (the “good cholesterol) and so decreases the ratio of the total cholesterol over high density cholesterol.”

Yet another feature of niacin is that it dilates blood vessels and creates a sensation of warmth, called a “niacin flush.” This is often accompanied with a blushing of the skin. It is this “flush” or sensation of heat that so many people are confused about.Dr. Hoffer writes: “With larger initial doses, the flush is more pronounced and lasts longer,” says Dr. Hoffer. “But with each additional dose, the intensity of the flush decreases and in most patients becomes a minor nuisance rather than an irritant. Niacin should always be taken immediately after finishing ones meal.”

Niacin is a vitamin, not a drug. It is a nutrient that everyone needs each day. Different people in different circumstances require different amounts of niacin. Says Dr. Hoffer: “A person’s “upper limit is that amount which causes nausea, and, if not reduced, vomiting. The dose should never be allowed to remain at this upper limit. The usual dose range is 3,000 to 9,000 milligrams daily divided into three doses, but occasionally some patients may need more. The toxic dose for dogs is about 5,000 milligrams per 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) body weight. We do not know the toxic dose for humans since niacin has never killed anyone.”

And what about that “niacin flush”?

“Most people flush at the beginning and gradually get adapted to it unless they stop for a few days and then resume it. A few cannot ever get used to it, and they take the no-flush preparations. But the intensity of the flush is very variable. Generally people who need it the most flush the least. That includes arthritics, schizophrenics, and elderly people with cardiovascular problems. Some schizophrenics do not flush until they get well and then they do. But the presence of the flush or its intensity can not be uniquely used measure the need as there are too many variables such as food in the stomach, whether the drink with it is hot or cold, the kind of food, other medication. Antipsychotics reduce the intensity of the flush as do aspirin and antihistamines.”

Here are some more “flush” facts:

1) As mentioned above, the more ill you are, the more niacin you can hold without flushing. In other words, if you need it, you physiologically soak up a lot of niacin. Where does it all go? Well, a good bit of it goes into making nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD. NAD is just about the most important coenzyme in your body. It is made from niacin, as its name implies.

2) Niacin is also works in your body as an antihistamine. Many persons showing psychotic behavior suffer from cerebral allergies. They need more niacin in order to cope with eating inappropriate foods. They also need to stop eating those inappropriate foods, chief among which are the ones they may crave the most: junk food and sugar.

3) There is a chemical found in quantity in the bodies of schizophrenic persons. It is an indole called adrenochrome. Adrenochrome (which is oxidized adrenalin) has an almost LSD-like effect on the body. That might well explain their behavior. Niacin serves to reduce the body’s production of this toxic material.

In Niacin: The Real Story, Dr. Hoffer clearly presents the practical details of niacin treatment. Inevitable physician skepticism, and questions about niacin’s proven safety and effectiveness, are thoroughly addressed in this book. This is NOT a biochemistry textbook, however. Let’s be honest: to most of us, that is a relief. But when even a basic working knowledge of niacin can profoundly change so many patients for the better, this vitamin becomes very interesting very quickly.

Dr. Hoffer treated thousands and thousands of such patients for over half a century. He saw medical fads come and go. What he focused on is what he’s always seen: very sick people get well on vitamin B-3.

Niacin: The Real Story is Dr. Hoffer’s final, ultimate work. In it, he tells you, in detail, exactly how to use it to get results.

Niacin: The Real Story Table of Contents

Introduction: Why Should You Read This Book?
Chapter 1. What Is Niacin?
Chapter 2. How Niacin Therapy Began
Chapter 3. How Niacin Works, and Why We Need More of It
Chapter 4. How to Take Niacin
Chapter 5. Safety of Niacin
Chapter 6. Pandeficiency Disease
Chapter 7. Reversing Arthritis with Niacinamide: The Pioneering Work of William Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D.
Chapter 8. Children’s Learning and Behavioral Disorders
Chapter 9. Mental Illness
Chapter 10. Cardiovascular Disease
Chapter 11. Other Clinical Conditions That Respond to Niacin
Appendix: The Introduction of Niacin as the First Successful Treatment for Cholesterol Control, by William B. Parsons, Jr.

For Further Reading
About the Authors

 “I had been a practicing pediatric gastroenterologist for 25 years. During that time I watched some really beautiful children and young men and women die under my care because I had nothing more to offer, and unfortunately what I had offered many times only made their lives more miserable. Recent health problems led me to read about Linus Pauling and orthomolecular medicine and it has been like discovering an advanced ancient civilization that I had no idea had ever existed. After reading Doctor Yourself by Dr. Andrew Saul, I have become a very angry man. I’ve just realized that for 25 years I had been making my patients sick and big pharma rich. I’ve just realized that those chronic hepatitis patients that died waiting for a liver transplant could have been easily cured with vitamin C. I realize now that my toximolecular medical education only led me to do more harm than good. That is not a good feeling to have. I only wish that all my critically ill patients had read Dr. Saul’s book and fired their doctor. Doctor Yourself in fact has inspired me to now open an exclusive orthomolecular medicine practice for children and adults of all ages, and copies of the book will be in the waiting room for all to read. In the names of all those I didn’t help before, I hope this time to make a difference.”

(Edward Cichowicz, M.D.)

“Andrew Saul is a brilliant speaker and writer. His website has an enormous amount of very important information dealing with the use of nutrition in the treatment of mental and physical disease. It is one of the very best I have seen. Thank you, Dr. Saul, for making this information more available and thus promoting the development of the medicine of the 21st century, Orthomolecular Medicine.”

(Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.)

“I am always impressed how very well you do in films, your excellent choice of words to put your thoughts across. You are a masterful speaker! This was again confirmed when I watched the new movie from Australia, FoodMatters.”

(Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Max Gerson, M.D.)