Are the issues between Green Lane Mosque [GLM] and Salafi Publications Personal?

Ilyas Kirmani Socialist (Respect) Party elected representative at GLM
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Listen to this short audio clip and then judge:

Just a few images to emphasise the facts:
Yasir Qadhi at GLM
Yasir Qadhi of Maghrib Institute and Ihsan Hanif (employee of GLM and of Maghrib Instituate) at GLM
GLM Eid date fix agreement with ahlul-Bid'ah well befre Eid
GLM Eid date fix agreement with ahlul-Bid’ah well before Eid
GLM Ahsan Hanif and ahlul-Bid'ah altogether united on other than the rope of Allah!
GLM Ahsan Hanif and ahlul-Bid’ah altogether united on other than the rope of Allah! (Qutubees, and Ikhwanis)
Kemal El Mekki about to perform a magic trick at GLM goaded by GLM presenter
Kemal El Mekki about to perform a magic trick at GLM goaded by GLM presenter
Abu Usamah and Saed Rageh at GLM
Abu Usamah and Saed Rageh at GLM
Adnan Abdul-Qadir of Jam'iyyah Turath (student of Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq) in GLM
Adnan Abdul-Qadir of Jam’iyyah Turath (student of Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq, the well-known innovator) in GLM
Ilyas Kirmani Socialist (Respect) Party elected representative at GLM
Ilyas Kirmani Socialist (Respect) Party elected representative at GLM
Muhammad Sharif, head of the Maghrib Institute (ahlul-bid'ah - Ikhwaani, Sufi, magicians, and comedians) at GLM
Muhammad Sharif, head of the Maghrib Institute (ahlul-bid’ah – Ikhwaani, Sufi, magicians, and comedians) at GLM
Tawfique Chowdry the Qutubee, Ikhwani of Kawthar Institute at GLM
Tawfique Chowdry the Qutubee, Ikhwani of Kawthar Institute at GLM
Abdul Hadi Umari of GLM encouraging the people to vote for the Socialist Respect Party
Abdul Hadi Umari of GLM encouraging the people to vote for the Socialist Respect Party
Murtaza Khan, the Ikhwani at GLM
Murtaza Khan, the Ikhwani at GLM
Abu Eesaa Niamatullah (of Al-Maghrib Institute) with rejoicing with extreme Sufis
Abu Eesaa Niamatullah (of Al-Maghrib Institute) rejoicing with extreme Sufis
Suhaib Hasan (at GLM) who believes evolution of Adam (alaihis salam) from an ape is matter of ijtihad.
Suhaib Hasan (at GLM) who believes evolution of Adam (alaihis salam) from an ape is matter of ijtihad
Suhaib Hasan (a revered scholar of GLM) celebrates Eid Milad of the Prophet
Suhaib Hasan (a revered scholar of GLM) celebrates Eid Milad of the Prophet
Abdul Hadi Umari (another revered GLM scholar) issues a fatwa making it obligatory to vote for the Socialist Respect party
Abdul Hadi Umari (another revered GLM scholar) issues a fatwa making it obligatory to vote for the Socialist Respect Party
Even in 2015 GLM promoting Qadhi and al-Maghrib Institute
Even in 2015 GLM promoting Yasir Qadhi, Abu Eesaa Niamautullah (see above with Sufis), and al-Maghrib Institute
Singers and ikhwānis at GLM
Singers and ikhwānis at GLM
GLM cooperate with Ikhwanis and ahlul-Bid'ah "all in a good cause right?"
GLM cooperate with Ikhwanis and ahlul-Bid’ah “all in a good cause right?”
Madeenah-dot-con / fatwaonline defenders and supporters of GLM
Madeenah-dot-con / fatwaonline defenders and supporters of GLM
Shadeed Muhammad sad that he can't be with his misguided friends
Shadeed Muhammad sad that he can’t be with his misguided friends
Ahsan Hanif is GLM and Maghrib Institute!
Ahsan Hanif is GLM and Maghrib Institute!
Slanderer Assim al-Hakeem (of Green Lane Mosque) & his wicked lies against Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee (hafidhahullaah).
Slanderer Assim al-Hakeem (GLM “scholar”) & his wicked lies against Shaikh Rabee’ bin Haadee (hafidhahullaah).
GLM's Adnan Abdul-Qadir refuted in 1421AH by Fawzan, the Mufti, Ghudayan etc, for Murji Aqeedah
GLM’s Adnan Abdul-Qadir refuted in 1421AH by Shaikh Fawzan, the Mufti Abdul-Azeez, Shaikh al-Ghudayan etc, for Murji Aqeedah
Haitham Haddad, Assim Hakim, Ilyas Kirmani, AR Green, Murtaza Khan all put on stage with Dr. Wasiyullah Abbas! To earn for each a tazkiyah!
Haitham Haddad, Assim Hakim, Ilyas Kirmani, AR Green, Murtaza Khan all put on stage with Dr. Wasiyullah Abbas! To earn for each of them a tazkiyah! 2008
Haitham Haddad, a GLM speaker: Ikhwani sectarian hizbi.
Haitham Haddad, a GLM speaker: Ikhwani sectarian hizbi – defends the misguided Ikhwan al-Muslimoon. 2016
Innovators and misguided callers gather together: well-known GLM speakers.
Innovators and misguided callers gather together. Well-known GLM speakers. 2009
GLM gathers those who sign treaties of cooperation with the most extreme Sufis!
GLM gathers those who sign treaties of cooperation with the most extreme Sufis! 2012
Two heads of Madeenah-dot-con and Fatwaonline: Abdur Raoof Mohammad and Abu Abdullaah Muhammad Chaudhury mail out to 1000's a defense of GLM booklet: "In Defense of Markaz Jamiat Ahle Hadith" with the comment: "Please forward this to your mailing lists.." Praise of Suhaib Hasan, Abdul-Hadi, etc.
Two heads and contributors of Madeenah-dot-con and Fatwaonline: Abdur Raoof Mohammad and Abu Abdullaah Muhammad Chaudhury mail out to 1000’s a booklet in defense of Markaz Jamiat Ahle Hadith/GLM and refutation of Salafi Publications, with the comment: “Please forward this to your mailing lists..” Praise of Suhaib Hasan, Abdul-Hadi, etc.
Extremism Khaarijite terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki together with Murtaza Khan. Where's love of the Sunnah and the truth?
Extremism Khaarijite terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki together with Murtaza Khan (a GLM speaker). Where’s love of the Sunnah and the truth?


Still think it’s all personal without substance? Still think GLM are upon the Salafi Manhaj?

Ibn Bāz: Follow the truth - keep away from the people of innovation.
Ibn Bāz (rahimahullah): Follow the truth – keep away from the people of innovation.


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  1. As Sh Bad’ie said many years ago..If you were Ahl ul Hadith, I would call you Ahl ul Hadith, but you don’t have actions!

    This I heard from my own ears in the Green Lane conference in the early 90s.

    The issue is of truth and falsehood, paradise and hellfire, let go of the symantics and stick to the truth barak Allaah feekhum.

  2. SubhaanaLLaah, how clear are these proofs. May Allaah reward Abu Khadeejah (hafidhahuAllaah) for this informative compilation

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