What is the ruling regarding the one who smokes during Hajj?

What is the ruling regarding the one who smokes during Hajj?

Shaikh Al-Fawzān answered: The ruling concerning him is that he is sinful. He carries the sin of smoking cigarettes — but his Hajj is still valid. However, he is sinful due to this act of disobedience. Smoking is an act of disobedience and sin because it is prohibited (harām). So it is obligatory upon a Muslim to abandon it forever whether during Hajj or outside of Hajj. That is due to the fact that it is utterly harmful having no good in it. So a Muslim should give up smoking and repent to Allah — and replace it with something good that Allah, the Glorified and Most High, has permitted. As for smoking, then it is from the foul and filthy things: it has a foul taste, a foul smell and it has a foul effect upon the human body — and Allah, the Most High, has forbidden foul and filthy things. (Duroos wa Fatawa al-Hajj of Shaikh Al-Fawzān, 1/157)

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