5 Minutes and 15 questions: A Survey of Global Salafis: Part II – Your input is valuable and will help shape attitudes towards Salafiyyah

Assalāmu alaikum wa rahmatullāh wa barakātuhu.
Salafi brothers and sisters around the world:
Salafis live in communities all over the world. It has the highest conversion rate to Islam, yet still many people remain unaware of the true reality of the Salafi Call

We are grateful to you for completing the first quick survey not so long ago. This next survey is even more important than the first as you will see from the questions. It asks about your community and your path to Salafiyyah. It is important to know the scholars, teachers, organisations and callers who aided you along the way to finding the truth. It is these distinguishing factors that give Western academics (and ourselves) important insights into Salafiyyah as practiced by those who adhere to the true creed and methodology of the early generations. Since this survey is collected independently and anonymously without any chance of biased manipulation, serious academics and researchers will have to take note of this valuable information.

The results of the first survey (click here to have your say) were very enlightening and it is amazing to know that there are so many Salafis from an array of different backgrounds, both male and female, young and old, in all parts of the world, even in the most obscure of places! We had responses from as far afield as Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Singapore, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Algeria, Australia, New Zealand, and from many parts of Europe, Britain, Canada and the USA. Because of the overwhelming response we had from you all, we think it is important to find out more about the situation and growing needs of Salafis in their specific localities, inshā’ Allāh. So we are asking you once again to complete the following quick survey.

Inshā’ Allāh, the results will be included in an important PhD research study that is currently in progress, and many of the findings will be made available on this site. Again, many thanks for your time. May Allāh reward you for your efforts wherever you are in the world.

Bārakallāhu feekum,

Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wāhid

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There are two methods to fill in this survey:

1. All devices such as computers, Apple iPhones and iPads may find this link easier

2. Or, from your desktop computer, laptop or Android device simply fill in the survey directly below:


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