When should I name my newborn child, slaughter a sheep and shave his head?

The Sunnah is to name the child on the seventh day but if you name him on the day he was born, there is no harm in that. It is established upon the Prophet (salallāhu ʿalaihi wasallam) that he did both. So, if you name him on the day he was born, there is no objection, however, if you delay it until the 7th day, that is better. Likewise, the ʿaqeeqah should be performed on the 7th day by slaughtering two sheep for a boy and one for a girl. That is best – and you should shave his head on the 7th – all of this is good.

See Fatāwā Noor ʿalad-Darb of Imām Ibn Bāz, 18/246, 257.

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