Question: May Allaah bestow upon you good O Shaikh. The one who comes to a grave, and requests from the deceased that he make Du’aa (supplicate) to Allaah for him?
Answer: This is Shirk (idolatry), because the deceased has no ability over this matter. So if a person calls upon the deceased saying: “Intercede for me, call upon Allaah for me,” then he has associated partners with Allaah in worship – he has requested from a dead person that which he is incapable of.
Question: Some people claim that this saying (i.e. that it is not shirk) is the saying of Ibn Taymiyyah, is that correct?
Answer: No, that is not correct. Indeed Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) was clear in stating that it is Major Shirk.
Sharh Kashfish-Shubuhaat of Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab, by Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah), p. 59, (Daarul-Minhaaj).
Note: This is an excellent rebuttal of the saying of those who claim that it is a sin less than Shirk to visit the graveside and seek from the dead to supplicate to Allaah.