Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Baaz on Judging by other than the Sharee’ah
Judging by other than the law of Allah does not make one an unbeliever unless he makes that permissible or believes it to be equal or better than the judgement of Allah. [read on…]
Judging by other than the law of Allah does not make one an unbeliever unless he makes that permissible or believes it to be equal or better than the judgement of Allah. [read on…]
Al-Hāfidh Ibn Hajr (rahimahullāh) said: 990: Narrated Jābir (radiyallāhu ‘anhu): Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said: “Any servant who marries without the permission of his master or his people is [read on…]
ISIS Khawaarij entice teenage girls and boys to sneak away from their parents: The great Qur’anic commentator and scholar Ibn Kathīr (died 774 AH) stated over seven centuries ago regarding the [read on…]
Makkah 1926 CE: The ruler of Saudi Arabia, King ‘Abdul-‘Azīz Āl Sa’ūd (1876-1953 CE, رحمه الله) laid down as the constitution of the Kingdom the following: “All of the laws [read on…]
The Islamic Salafi Condemnation of the Terrorist Attacks in Kenya Friday 3rd April 2015 1. Islām Condemns Terrorism All praise is due to Almighty God (Allah) who sent his Prophet [read on…]
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