A conversation between two Imāms: the Muhaddith of the era, Imām Muhammad Nāsirud-Dīn Al-Albāni (رحمه الله) and our Shaikh, the Muhaddith Dr Rabee’ Al-Madkhali (حفظه الله)

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A conversation between two Imāms: the Muhaddith of the era, Imām Muhammad Nāsirud-Dīn Al-Albāni (رحمه الله) and our Shaikh, the Muhaddith Dr Rabee’ Al-Madkhali (حفظه الله). Listen to the impeccable manners of Shaikh Rabee’, the love he has for his shaikh and the respect Shaikh Al-Albāni has for him in return. Shaikh Rabee’ explains to Shaikh Al-Albāni what he has written in refutation of the misguided innovator Sayyid Qutb…

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