Does living in a house separate from one’s parents necessitate negation of being dutiful? Shaikh Al-Fawzān.


Does living in a house separate from one’s parents necessitate negation of perfection of duty?


No, it does not negate the perfection of duty ― it is not a must that you live with your parents. However, you should carry out the duty of serving them, fulfilling their needs and being dutiful to them regardless of whether you live them or not.

السؤال: : يسكن في بيت مستقل عن الوالدين هل ينافي ذلك كمال البر؟

الجواب: لا ما ينافي كمال البر ليس لازم أن تسكن مع والديك؛ لكن تقوم بخدمتهما وحاجتهما تبر بهما سواء سكنت  معهما أو لم تسكن

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