The Islamic Funeral, Simple Step-by-Step Guide: Download Leaflet

In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.
The Islamic Funeral – An Authentic Step By Step Guide.

Attached is an eBook and a PDF leaflet for free download and distribution.

Guide to help you with:

  1. What to do at the point of death.
  2. Grieving and mourning.
  3. Condolences.
  4. Washing and shrouding the deceased.
  5. The funeral prayer.
  6. The burial.
  7. After the burial.
  8. Common un-Islamic practises and cultural innovations having no basis in Islam.

This is a free booklet — a Sadaqah Jāriyah on behalf of my father who has passed away (rahimahullāh) — so please spread it far and wide to all the Muslims who seek the Methodology of the Sunnah.

Read the eBook and download it to your device by clicking the download PDF.

Download and read the summarised PDF here —> Death-Funeral-Shrouding-Burial