Is Warning against the Methodologies that Oppose the Methodology of the Salaf an Obligation? (Shaikh Sālih al-Fawzān)

Question (no. 53): Is warning against the methodologies that oppose the methodology of the Salaf an obligation?

Answer by Shaikh al-Fawzān: Yes, it is an obligation that we warn against the methodologies that oppose the methodology of the Salaf. To do so is from sincere advice for Allah, for His Book, for His Messenger, for the Muslim rulers and for the general Muslims. We warn against the people of evil, and warn against those methodologies that oppose the methodology of Islam—and we clarify these harmful affairs to the people, and we encourage them to cling to the Book and Sunnah—this is an obligation.

However, this affair is for the people of knowledge for whom it is obligatory to enter into—and that they explain it for the people in the manner that is suitable, befitting, achieving what is correct in accordance with the Shareeʿah by Allah’s permission.


This is the Manhaj of the Salaf—they would be stern in warning against the people whose methodologies were in opposition to the Book and Sunnah. They would even banish those who praised the opposers and showed respect for their books. Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullāh) stated while refuting those who believe in the unity of existence (wahdat al-wujood), i.e., that all of existence is Allah, and the Ittiḥādiyyah, who believe that the Creator and the created are one, a creed taught by Ibn ʿArabī (died 638H), Ibn al-Fārid (d. 633H) and others, “It is obligatory to punish whoever ascribes himself to them, or defends them, praises them, venerates their books, hates that they are spoken against, or finds excuses for them claiming that he doesn’t know this speech and says, ‘What is it?’ Or he says [in their defense], ‘Who said that they authored this book?’ and other similar excuses that are not made except by one who is either ignorant or a hypocrite. Indeed, it is a must to punish anyone who knows their condition yet does not assist in standing up against them—for indeed standing up against them is from the greatest of obligations.” (Majmooʿ al-Fatāwā, 2/132)

Hulool ʿAam: Allah is present in everything – not that He is everything but that He is in everything.

Hulool Khās: Allah is present in some of His creation – not that He is that creation but that He is in it.

Ittihād ʿAam: also referred to as Wahdat al-Wujood: The belief that the existence – all of it is Allah – they are one, not separate.

Ittihād Khās: The belief that Allah is one with some of His creation, i.e., that the created thing is Allah.

All these beliefs are kufr.

See: See Al-Ajwibah al-Mufīdah Fī As’ilatil-Manāhij al-Jadīdah (Questions to Shaikh Dr. Sālih al-Fawzan by Jamāl ibn Furayhān al-Hārithi)

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